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The logical index at position 1 contains a true value outside the array boundary (Error tsVAR/estimate (line 826))
Hi @pula, The issue arises when your code is trying to access elements outside the array limits in "tsVAR/estimate.m (line 82...
23 days ago | 0
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How can I get Simulink Model Linearizer to ignore a state in my model?
Hi @Alejandro, Instead of letting model linearizer automatically select states, manually select only the relevant states (q_bas...
24 days ago | 0
Issue with initial value of a controlled variable
Hi @Jude, You can set a nonzero initial value in Simulink by following below approaches: Adjust the "Step" block parameters by...
1 month ago | 0
Inc Cond Variable Step Size Questions
Hi @Micaela, I understand that your MPPT function "fcn" behaves differently depending on whether you use "abs()" in the step si...
1 month ago | 0
Duty Cycle Capping At .7, Power Output inaccurate
Hi @Micaela, I have noticed that your MPPT algorithm using the Perturb and Observe (P&O) method with a variable step size is ex...
1 month ago | 0
How can I create an entity with a signal coming from the departures of a server? in simulink
Hi @john, If you need to create a new entity every time an entity leaves the server, you can follow this approach: Detect When...
1 month ago | 0
Can not Autotune PID controller for DC motor with Arduino feedback speed through encoder
Hi @Ahmed Hani, To find the correct PID gains for your system using Simulink's PID Autotuner, you can follow these steps: Befo...
2 months ago | 0
Not getting full range of servo when running from Simulink
Hi @lindula, I understand that you are getting the limited servo range (0–70°) instead of the typical 0 –180° may be due to inc...
2 months ago | 0
when we are using PWM capture in speedgoat only duty cycle showing correctly remaining all showing wrong values in millions,how to capture correctly?
Hi @EV, I understand that you are seeing very large values for the measured period and yet the duty cycle appears correct. This...
2 months ago | 0
How do I import group names when using the Requirements Toolbox's Requirements Editor to import USDM formatted Excel?
Hi @拓志 武藤, To import group names from a USDM-formatted Excel file into the Requirements Toolbox's Requirements Editor, you can ...
3 months ago | 0
i need to make optimization using genetic algorithm to reduce the minimum between desired deformation and simulated deformation
Hi @noura, To optimize parameters (Height, Depth, Width) using a genetic algorithm, you can follow these steps: Each iteratio...
3 months ago | 0
Counting all NaN for each variable in the table
Hi @Mouhammad Jomaa Alkaseam, To handle and visualize missing data in your wind and wave data set, you can follow these ...
3 months ago | 0
How to set zones for long transmission line that are valid for all faults
Hi @A Lumbini, I understand that the digital relay is misclassifying zones during a Line-to-Line (LL) fault because it evaluate...
3 months ago | 1
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Boost Converter Issue: Voltage Decreasing Instead of Increasing in Simscape Solar Model
Hi @Israfil-Cihan, I understand that your boost converter is lowering the voltage instead of increasing it. To troubleshoot ...
3 months ago | 0
embedded coder cant generate reuseable function
Hi @chen lan, I understand that Embedded Coder generating multiple functions instead of reusing a single function for your reus...
3 months ago | 0
Parameter Estimation of a servo motor does not track well.
Hi @ashanni sonny, I understand that you are facing challenges in accurately modelling the servo motor’s behaviour. The issue s...
3 months ago | 0
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Power measurement (electric motor)
Hi @Jack Daniels, To measure the active power, reactive power, apparent power, and power factor for your three-phase motor simu...
3 months ago | 0
Power Electronics Simulation Onramp Model Fidelity Part Bugged
Hi @Furkan, I couldn't able to reproduce the issue, it is working fine from my end. If it still persists you can refer to th...
3 months ago | 0
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C2000 Synchronization of ePWM modules with external signal
Hi @Roberto, To configure ePWM1, ePWM2, ePWM3, and ePWM4 for synchronization using an external signal connected to GPIO40, you...
3 months ago | 0
Three phase dynamic load fails earlier than expected
Hi @Despoina Papageorgiou, I understand that you are facing an issue with the Three-Phase Dynamic Load in your Simulink model,...
3 months ago | 0
BlockIO output set to zero when multiple blocks are used
Hi @Aaron Troll, I understand you are facing issues with Simulink blocks generated by the IO Device Builder app, where multiple...
3 months ago | 0
How can I remove this warning:Estimated channel modulation for data extrapolation must be greater than zero. Use linear extrapolation.
Hi @Ignacio, I understand that you are facing an extrapolation error while simulating N Channel MOSFET model. The issue arise...
3 months ago | 1
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Can I give Modulated Sine Wave as Input to CMPA of ePWM Block in MATLAB Simulink for SVPWM Generation ?
Hi @PANDIT DHANRAJ SURESH I understand that you are working on a 3-phase inverter using the TI Delfino F28379D LaunchPad and a...
3 months ago | 0
Pi Control plant cannot be linearized
Hi @Muhamed Ehab The errors "Subscript no. 2 is out of range" and "Plant cannot be linearized" occur because your model include...
3 months ago | 0
How to generate a stationary car and define the direction of the vehicle via matlab in Roadrunner
Hi @Xinyu Yang I understand that you want to import stationary vehicles into RoadRunner and ensure they are oriented parallel t...
3 months ago | 0
modeling an advanced energy management system for electric vehicles using MATLAB/Simulink
Hi Salih, To model your advanced energy management system (EMS), for electric vehicle you can follow the below steps: Firstly...
3 months ago | 1
problems encountered in DDPG.
Hi 邓龙京, The error message “Number of input layers for state-action-value function deep neural network must equal the number of...
4 months ago | 0
Error in rl.agent.AbstractAgent/train while executing example "Train Reinforcement Learning Agent in MDP Environment"
Hi @David Carrasco Martínez, I understand that you are facing an issue when “doTraining” flag is set to “true” in "Train Reinf...
4 months ago | 0
Train a DQN Agent: RL Simulink with Simscape (Error: Discontinuities detected within algebraic loop)
Hello, I understand that you are trying to replace a PI controller with a DQN agent for your Buck Converter model and encounte...
4 months ago | 0
get error runing TrainTD3AgentForPMSMControlExample.mlx
Hi @hai hu, I understand that you are facing an issue in the "TrainTD3AgentForPMSMControl" example model when “doTraining” fla...
4 months ago | 0