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cfit simulink real time
You can acquire the signal with a frame-based analog input module. At every sample step, you can process the acquired frame with...
4 years ago | 0
Random delays in Stream Input block in Simulink Real-Time
What's the data size? and, is the data size constant? Which MATLAB release are you using? Ty to log the data ready output, to ...
4 years ago | 1
Simulink-Library / Softing CAN-AC2-PCI SJA 1000 missing for Matlab 2018 / Urgent Issue
Softing CAN board is no longer supported. See Simulink Real-Time release notes:
4 years ago | 0
Is the command "cclean " removede in r2020b
cclean was an hidden (undocumented) function in the speedgoat library. It has been removed.
4 years ago | 3
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how do i limit displayed data to last n samples in simulink data inspector during real-time target operation?
This is a known problem. It will be fixed in a future MATLAB release.
4 years ago | 0
Simulink with Modbus TCP in the Realtime Machine
Modbut TCP support for Simulink Real-Time requires a dedicated I/O module from Speedgoat, see:
5 years ago | 0
tg.signal missing
Some signal types are not observable in real-time, see:
5 years ago | 0
Alternative to Stand Alone Mode in Speedgoat
This feature will become available. For R2017a, we can probably find a workaround for your use case. Please reach out to our su...
5 years ago | 0
Simulink Real-time target PC ‘black screen’ problem
Speedgoat is introducing a new small form factor and light-weight target machine, please reach out to the Speedgoat sales team f...
5 years ago | 0
Sample time of Host Scopes in Simulink Real-time
Why do you use 24kHz as base rate of the model, if there isn't any block at that rate? What are you logging? The data is logge...
5 years ago | 0
Simulink Real-Time - Communication on Target PC in latest versions
When you upgrade MATLAB in your development PC, you have to upgrade the real-time kernel on your target machine too. In other wo...
5 years ago | 1
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Get parameter value from named parameter in Simulink in Simulink Real-time
For reading and writing parameters during real-time execution, you can use the following functions: getparam(tg, 'Ki_speed') s...
5 years ago | 0
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Error when doing Real-Time Simulink in External Mode "Unable to create mex function"
Are you using Simulink Real-Time as System target file in your model Configuration Parameters? Try to clear the SLRT compiler:...
5 years ago | 0
example of non direct feed through using matlab function block
By looking at the example provided in the doc link you shared, I think you are confusing/mixing inputs and persistent values. I...
5 years ago | 1
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Simulink Real Time Target (Beaglebone Black/Green)
Simulink Real-Time is designed for x86 systems with Intel CPUs provided by Speedgoat. Beaglebone hardware is not supported.
5 years ago | 0
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Does anyone know when/if BLAS libraries are used in Simulink Real-time?
Simulink Real-Time has its own version of the BLAS (XPC_BLAS). This library should be used by default.
5 years ago | 0
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RS232 on Speedgoat
To get started with serial communication with Simulink Real-Time, please check:
5 years ago | 0
Setting/Tuning parameters of a Simulink model in Realtime
Instead of the Resistor and Capacitor blocks, use Variable Resistor and Variable Capacitor.
5 years ago | 0
Matlab R2016b & Simulink Real-Time : Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals when compiling model
This seems a compiler configuration issue. Type >> slrtsetCC('VisualC','') Then, select the VS2017 compiler using >> mex -set...
5 years ago | 0
Simulink real time network boot problem
The I217 Ethernet controller is not supported on R2016a.
5 years ago | 0
Real-Time Application in standalone mode : Error unpacking application
What’s the filename length? Try with a filename <= 8 characters (you need to change the model name before build).
5 years ago | 0
Enable function in TCP/IP communication
The mentioned examples for Simulink Real-Time require two real-time target machines from Speedgoat. In other words, you cannot r...
5 years ago | 0
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Simulink communication with a physical CAN device
You can use Simulink Real-Time and Speedgoat real-time target machine with a CAN I/O module. You will generate a real-time appli...
5 years ago | 0
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Logitech G29 with Simulink desktop simulation
For desktop simulation, you can use this block:
6 years ago | 1
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EtherCAT PDO Receive | EtherCAT receive variable | receive all signals at once (demux later)
The EtherCAT blocks in SLRT read the information provided by the EtherCAT Network Information (ENI) XML file. If you want to com...
6 years ago | 0
Pin toggle frequency in Simulink Real Time
The MCDAQ is not supported by Simulink Real-Time and therefore I guess you are using a different product or third-party drivers?...
6 years ago | 0
Target with Windows 7 using Simulink Real-Time
The target requires Simulink Real-Time kernel (which is typically loaded from DOS environment, not Windows). If you are using Sp...
6 years ago | 0
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Problems with slrttest in the reboot
Which MATLAB release are you using? I suspect the version of real-time kernel on the target does match with the the MATLAB relea...
6 years ago | 0
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Speedgoat terminal board pin number relation to channel vector?
Typically, the speedgoat_IO333_06_all_io FPGA bitstream is for system testing purposes only. You might have a Custom Implementat...
6 years ago | 0
'IDENTIFIER input must be a valid MATLAB message identifier' error when I try to build a simulink model to Speedgoat performance, Can connect to the target from development PC (ping it), and run model but get error on model build
This error can appear if the real-time kernel on the target machine has a different version than the MATLAB release on the devel...
6 years ago | 0