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Can I Dynamically Overload A Class Method?
Hi All, Context: I'm attempting to overload a method of class without touching the class definition or explicitly declaring a s...

5 years ago | 2 answers | 0



How to configure Up Key "Previous History Command" search behavior?
I actually found the answer shortly after asking: The linked stack overflow answer states: First, make sure that the command h...

6 years ago | 0

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How to configure Up Key "Previous History Command" search behavior?
I have two PC's with Matlab 2017a on them. On one of them, when I type text into the command window and push up, it searches the...

6 years ago | 1 answer | 0



search and retrieve data from cell array
The easiest way I know of is to use cellfun. For instance if you were looking for numbers that are greater than 2 array...

6 years ago | 0

How to call a .net function that uses a params parameter?
The provided example for that uses integers, so its a bit confusing when applying that example to strings. I was able to use...

6 years ago | 0

Regular Expression to match strings after a certain number of words that do not contain a keyword
I ended up just building this in a very piece wise way. %Demonstration Cases defaultCase = ' Hello\ - my nam...

7 years ago | 0

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Regular Expression to match strings after a certain number of words that do not contain a keyword
I'm attempting to use regular expressions to retrieve the middle of a string, and in the default case I need to match after two ...

7 years ago | 1 answer | 0



How to generate graph at the same time that data is obtained?
One thing you can do is add new data to an already existing plot. figure; plot(1:10,1:10); ah = gca; for lo...

7 years ago | 0

how to enter equation into matrix column and refer to adjacent column.
If I understand what you're attempting to do, you can replace the 'A' for loop with one line A = linspace(0, 1.1, 1000); ...

7 years ago | 0

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Different computer save folder
A simple way to do this is to use mfilename to find the path to where the file is being run on the professor's computer. [...

7 years ago | 0

How to know which values in a cell exceed a threshold
You can certainly solve this using cellfun. Assuming you only ever want one value per row, here's a somewhat loose way to us...

7 years ago | 0

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Matrix "addition" qeustion
Here's one possible answer to your question, %I have a matrix that is 32413x46 X = rand(32413,46); %and I want to ta...

7 years ago | 0

How to convert cell with numeric and string-nan into TYPE double
Something like the below works fairly well. Use cellfun to search for numeric values, and save them into the doubles array. The...

7 years ago | 2

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How do I get "system" command to not wait for raspberry pi to reply
Dan, One thing to look into is the process object, as it allows you to start independent processes. I've sketched what the co...

7 years ago | 0

Use Matlab on Microsoft Surface Book
Yuxin, Type preferences in the command window (or select preferences from the ribbon). In the left hand selection pane, selec...

7 years ago | 0

Using GUI, use one push button as an image browser and another to process the image that was chosen?
Hi Ramadan, This question really comes down to where do you want to store the information created by each of your callbacks. ...

7 years ago | 1

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How to disable an action button programmatically in Simulink mask?
Here's a method maskHandle = Simulink.Mask.get(gcb); buttonHandle = maskHandle.getDialogControl('myButtonName'); bu...

8 years ago | 0

I want to delete rows from a matrix but its giving me the error "Matrix index is out of range for deletion"
Hi Eduardo, One thing about deleting rows from an array while inside a for loop is that you have to account for rows that you...

8 years ago | 1

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Dynamically populating mask parameter popup list
If you want to update a popdown menu while a mask is open, the following may be helpful: % Set the parameter index equal to...

8 years ago | 0


which('folderName') - Find the Location of a subdirectory of a directory
Is there a simple way (better than brute force) to treat subdirectories as files and find the subdirectory which is highest on t...

8 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Display wait bar in Static text box in GUIDE
I just go with a java progress bar when I want to put a progress bar in a GUI. %Create a Progress bar with a range from 0 t...

8 years ago | 0

Change Simulink window title
The reason you can't get the simulink using the same methods as , is that its actually a DAStudio object, rather than a java con...

8 years ago | 0

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executable in Matlab help
Jeff, There's a couple of ways to do this. The way I've personally used most successfully is to use the System.Diagnostics...

8 years ago | 2

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How to perform a bus assignment with a sub-bus element?
For convenience, I'd like to be able to do something like what is pasted in the below picture. <</matlabcentral/answers/uplo...

9 years ago | 0 answers | 0



Getting an "Error using * " message when mixing scalars and vectors in an anonymous function
The issue is that integral3 calls the function with a row array. You can fix your function to work with integral3 by either st...

9 years ago | 2

How do I hold the current plot but not the axis properties?
Check to make sure that your axes XLimMode and YLimMode is set to auto. figure;plot(1:10) hold on; plot(1:10:1...

9 years ago | 0

Undefined function 'plus' for input arguments of type 'matlab.ui.Figure'.
An updated answer to this is to overload the 'plus' function. It seems that matlab calls the builtin for inline operators by def...

9 years ago | 0

What does the following error mean? Undefined function 'diffjac' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'. Error in Heq_Nwt (line 23) df = diffjac(x1,f,f0)
Hi Branden, What are the results of which diffjac -all ? If its empty, then you need to add the folder diffjac is...

9 years ago | 0


Loadlibrary unable to find ''
In all my matlab versions, loadlibrary suddenly ceased to work today because which('') returns empty. Given that I ...

11 years ago | 1 answer | 0




How to turn off Java Error Notifications
Summary: Java Error notifications are filling up the matlab diary to the tune of hundreds of megabytes over the course of a long...

11 years ago | 0 answers | 0



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