Sayyed Ahmad
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Running a bash script from MATLAB
look at : https://de.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab-environment-control.html?s_tid=CRUX_lftnav
3 years ago | 0
I change the legend font color in a plot but when I save it as a png it doesn't work
try this: saveas(gca,'test.png')
3 years ago | 0
How to check if an object is from a certain class object?
try this: isequal(class(a),'Box') ans = 1
4 years ago | 3
How to check the inputs of a user given vector
I hope I understand your problem. Try this a=[0 0 1 1]; idx=find(a==1) the answer would be: idx = 3 4
4 years ago | 0
Update variable value to workspace
I would try to load my variables by useing PostLoad callbacks in model Properties. Now you have access to this variables by...
4 years ago | 0
How do I connect to a database using a Simulink block created from a custom Matlab class?
Try to capsel your class in Matlab level2-s-function. https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/level2matlabsfunction.html ...
4 years ago | 0
My nested For Loops takes 40 seconds for 20,000 records. Anyway to vectorize or improve?
You have to avoiding the nested loops. may be you can use the bsxfun to avoiding some loops. An example: A = rand(50); % 50-...
4 years ago | 0
Defining global variables to be used in a function and outside
I think following code can help you: classdef hC < handle properties var end end your function wold look l...
4 years ago | 0
How to programatically modify simulink mask values (Serial Configuration Block)
I used the following codes in a matlab level-2 s-function and It's worked. set_param(gcs,'BackgroundColor', 'red');
5 years ago | 0
Variable size class properties for C++ code export
The defination of var is wrong. it's ok if you write classdef inputClass properties var; b = 0 ...
5 years ago | 0
Physical attributes / Weight
you can create a subsystem. use ctrl.+m to create a mask for your subsystem. Now you could be able to use Parameters and Dialog...
5 years ago | 0
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to plot binary data for the predefined time interval
try something like this: n=0; while n<5000 for i=1:1000 t(i)=now; x=[1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1]; %read your x f...
5 years ago | 0
How can I round double-values down in a Matlab function block in Simulink?
I would programming like this: x=strsplit(datestr(now,'YYYY-mm-DD-HH-MM-ss'),'-') % instead of now you can use your time from...
5 years ago | 0
Fitting sum of exponential function with experiment data
you have to simplified your model to y=1-c1exp(-c2*x*t) y ist your Vt/V_inf c1 represent all other parameter outside your ex...
5 years ago | 1
Align different starting point to zero
try with find and index for i=1:tn ind=find(B(:,1)==number(i)) y=min(B(ind,2)); B(ind,2)=b(ind,2)-y; end
5 years ago | 0
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How to create a mathematical expression which contains delays using Symbolic Math Toolbox?
matlab multiplied and simplified your codes; Y = I1^2+2*(I2-4)+I1*(I3-4)+(I4-8)+5*I5 Y = I1^2+2*I2-8+I1*I3-4+I4-8+5*I5 simpli...
5 years ago | 0
Acces data in nested structure
if your various_substructures is an array you can access the value like follow: for i=1:5 s.var(i).val1.x=i; s.var(...
5 years ago | 0
App Designer: Use Tree to Browse Directory
see the help of uigetfile: "Enabling multiple file selection in the dialog: [filename, pathname, filterindex] = uigetfi...
6 years ago | 0
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How to draw line between specific points?
I hope the following codes are what you want: clear all close all clc A = [ 1000 1000; 1003 2640; 2323 2638; 2661 1096; 1...
6 years ago | 0
How to create a symmetric histogram
du you means this? A=linspace(0,pi,181); X=sin(A); Y=-X plot(A,X,'r-',A,Y,'b-')
6 years ago | 0
How can I build power function through point?
I would do something like this: x = [52000 70000 74000 96000 100000 170000 220000 245000 530000 720000 810000 4900000]; y ...
6 years ago | 0
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one problem about ismember function
That is not a problem of ismember function. The machine accuracy is in matlab eps >>eps ans= 2.2204e-16 to better ...
6 years ago | 0
Exporting from Matlab to excel with macro.
you have to use activeX in matlab to start Excel e = actxserver('excel.application'); e.visible=1; %% new Woorkbo...
6 years ago | 0
How can I add a point to an animation?
you need to add in your code hold on otherweise you create every time a new graph and your point is not exist anymore.
6 years ago | 0
Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment.
x={1, 2,3} [a b c]=x{1:3}
6 years ago | 0
Overload operator doesn't work into workers
class handel is a pointer of Memory. To better understand try this codes a = ClassA(10); b = ClassB(a); a.value b....
6 years ago | 0
How do I load images from matlab to Paint Application?
if your Image called test.png you have to run this Code in matlab command !mspaint test.png
6 years ago | 0
Which one is faster: trace(a' * b) or sum(sum(a .* b', 2))?
try your code with tic for i=1:10000 %put hier your alternat 1 end toc tic for i=1:10000 %put hi...
6 years ago | 0
Strange Cell Array error
try this codes data={'8317';'10974';'14623'} for i=1:3 c2(i)=str2num(data{i}) end
6 years ago | 0
save result of each iteration in a joint table
I would use the cell-data format to save every thing. for i=1:5 x{i}=table('test',i); end
6 years ago | 0