
Baptiste Ottino

EPFL Lausanne

Active since 2017

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  • Knowledgeable Level 2
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How can I change the line color in the output of imhist?
The histogram is a 'Stem' element. Use |findobj| to access its properties: imhist(myImage); myHist = findobj(gca, 'Type', ...

7 years ago | 1

How to find power spectral density of an image?
< This> might help you.

7 years ago | 0

| accepted

how to create a target set for ANN classification???
Your target set must have one label for each sample, so it must contains 2300 elements. Here is an easy way to build one. Start ...

7 years ago | 0

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Is it possible to use relative links to files in Live Editor?
Yes, this is pretty annoying. I found a work-around using the live editor markup. Instead of using the "hyperlink" button, write...

7 years ago | 1

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Can we use classification learner App in Matlab for Multi class problem?
Yes, you can. I know because I played with Fisher's iris data set a little bit, and I can tell you that the App is capable of so...

7 years ago | 0

How can I stop execution of a live script?
Hi, The function that the live editor uses to exectute a livescript is the following: matlab.internal.richeditor.executeA...

7 years ago | 0

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How to get the trained weights and bias in nntool after training?
OK, if you want to use the GUI |nntool| app, you have two ways of getting the weights: * *Graphically*. In the |nntool| menu,...

7 years ago | 1

Change documentation color for help
It is not possible to do something like this for: help afunction However, it is perfectly possible to do this for the oup...

7 years ago | 2

Can I include an AVI-file in my HTML-file generated by using "Publish to HTML" toolbar button in MATLAB?
I have an alternative solution. If you don't want to modify your html file directly (for example because you want to be able to ...

7 years ago | 0

How to edit confusion matrix figure in matlab?
The only way of doing that is to copy the code in |plotconfusion| in your own script, and remove by hand the elements you don't ...

7 years ago | 0

Generate confusion matrix like in classification learner app programmatically
Hello Mustrum, If you want the _exact_ confusion matrix from the app, the path to the configuration m-file is the following: ...

7 years ago | 0

Live Editor and view neural network
You are experiencing this problem because the |view(net)| function does not output a figure, it outputs a Java object. I don't k...

7 years ago | 2

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How do I go between plain scripts (.m) and live scripts (.mlx)?
Alternatively, use the command lines: From mlx to m: doc matlab.internal.richeditor.openAndConvert From m to mlx: ...

7 years ago | 3

Programmatically run and export live script
Hi, I'm late to the party, but I spent hours and hours on this issue, and by pure luck I just found the answer. So in hope someo...

7 years ago | 9

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When using the publishing tool, How can I change the font /font size for specific lines of code?
I assume you use the |publish| function to output your Word file. The good thing about that is that unlike html or LaTeX outputs...

7 years ago | 0