Drew Davis
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PPO with CNN layer
The problem here is that the sequenceInputLayer aligns its size input with the “C” dimension. Therefore, when you specify the in...
9 months ago | 0
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Reinforcement Learning with Parallel Computing
As of R2021a, the RL Toolbox does not support parallel training with RNN networks. You can still reuse your current experience ...
3 years ago | 0
Deployment of a RL Agent
Hi Matthew The RL toolbox has a feature: generatePolicyFunction - which will generate a static MATLAB policy function from an R...
3 years ago | 0
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Accelerator in MATLAB Reinforcement Learning Toolbox
The acceleration features of the DL Toolbox support packages (e.g. Jetson CPU support for Simulink Coder) will accelerate predic...
3 years ago | 0
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States of the system and linearization
Simulink control design's linearize command will pretty much recognize states for all of Simulink's built-in block types/Simscap...
4 years ago | 1
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Internal problem happened during training DDPGagent
By default the Simulink environment leverages Simulink fast-restart feature. Some work needs to be done to ensure that the S-fun...
5 years ago | 1
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How to solve "Invalid input argument type or size such as observation, reward, isdone or loggedSignals." error? (Reinforcement Learning Toolbox)
In your reset function and step function change: LoggedSignal.State = {[Blocks];[Bintable]}; to LoggedSignal.State = {[Blocks...
5 years ago | 0
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Noise parameters in Reinforcement learning DDPG
Hi Surya It is fairly common to have Variance*sqrt(SampleTime) somewhere between 1 and 10% of your action range for Ornstein Uh...
5 years ago | 3
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How to create a storage tank with a "runoff limit" simulink?
Assuming you are trying to limit the amount of water that can be withdrawn, you can use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simul...
9 years ago | 0
Converting Matlab 6.5 Level 2 S-Function to Matlab 2014b
The rtw/c/lib and rtw/c/libsrc directories have been removed since the R2008b installation therefore if you are including the h...
9 years ago | 0
Is it possible to have a vector input to a Simulink if-statement block?
You can only apply scalars to the if port of action subsystems. Consider your example where you test: out1_of_if_block = u1...
9 years ago | 1
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Adjusting Transmission Power for QAM
If the amplitude of a symbol is |Si| then the power is proportional to the distance from the origin to the constellation point ...
9 years ago | 0
How to avoid temporary variables when using a global signal/data store
Check out this <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2015a/rtw/ug/minimizing-computations-and-storage-for-intermediate-result...
9 years ago | 0
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How can I handle a square wave input in a MATLAB function block?
Assuming you are using the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/pulsegenerator.html pulse generator>, the default outpu...
9 years ago | 0
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I need to find the destinations of a particular signal on a bus, I've downloaded myTraceSignal from FileExchange but still need help.
This should be a good place to start: l1 = find_system(bdroot , 'FindAll' , 'on' , 'type' , 'line' , 'Name' , '<my_line_name...
9 years ago | 0
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The Algebraic Constraint block works in my continuous model but not in my discrete, why?
When using the algebraic constraint block you are introducing an algebraic loop into your model. The Simulink algebraic loop sol...
9 years ago | 0
function alternatives in simulink
a) according to the documentation, if your images are stored as double arrays, you can use: abs(img1 - img2) instead of 'imab...
9 years ago | 0
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Generating delays of the order of nano-seconds in MATLAB simulink
Sounds like you can do this with a <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/ratetransition.html rate transition block> and ...
9 years ago | 0
Image will not stay as icons in block library
See this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/95329-why-does-the-icon-for-my-masked-subsystem-display-the-string-in-s...
9 years ago | 0
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How can I feed a time schedule to appliances while using AC voltage source?
Use the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/physmod/simscape/ref/simulinkpsconverter.html "S to PS" block>
9 years ago | 0
Arduino Uno with Motor Shield rev 3 GUI
See this <http://www.mathworks.com/help/supportpkg/arduinoio/examples/control-motors-using-adafruit-motor-shield-v2.html example...
9 years ago | 0
M/M/∞ queue problem in matlab code
See this <http://www.mathworks.com/help/simevents/examples/m-m-1-queuing-system.html example>
9 years ago | 0
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update diagram (ctrl-D) fails due to missing bus signal, but the Bus Selector GUI finds the signal in the bus
See this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/99667-why-do-i-receive-an-error-message-on-bus-signals-when-initializin...
9 years ago | 0
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Error: No. of variables exceed no. of equations (how to count variables)
It appears you are missing equations for the "M1" and "M2" variables. See this <http://www.mathworks.com/help/physmod/simscape/l...
9 years ago | 0
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Why am I getting an I/O error when trying to upload Polyspace results to Polyspace Metrics?
Make sure the settings for the server configuration are properly configured <http://www.mathworks.com/help/polyspace_ada/poly...
9 years ago | 0
Calculating the spectrum of Radially progressing sine wave(like a ripple) using fft2
Your code was not attached. Please see the documentation for <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/fft2.html fft2> and <http...
9 years ago | 0
Can the Error for "Potential conflicting usages of identifier" be turned off?
See this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/196528-why-do-i-get-an-error-when-using-the-same-get-or-set-functions-f...
9 years ago | 0
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I want to run a simulink model not in time but in distance domain.
Simulink simulated dynamic systems, therefore it runs in the time domain. In this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileex...
9 years ago | 0
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Unexpected Response when Welding Two Beams created in SimMechanics
According to the <http://www.mathworks.com/help/physmod/sm/mech/ref/weld.html documentation> you can only connect a weld joint b...
9 years ago | 0
Trimming simulink models using findop/linear analysis tool
To determine the steady-state control input, you must ensure that your root level model has an input port feeding as an input in...
9 years ago | 0