Cindy Solomon
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Raspberry Pi matlab support
Hi Arash, In regards to your first question regarding the CascadeObjectDetector, the vision.CascadeObjectDetector is only sup...
9 years ago | 1
Why do I get an error message related to MKS "echo.exe" when trying to run model in Accelerator mode? I am using ver 2010b, MS Visual Studion 2010 Professional VC++
Hi Diane, From the first part of your message, it seems like Simulink is compiling the model correctly, but it's running into...
9 years ago | 0
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output matlab markers as part of a character string.
Hi Leo, To add to Walter's comment, (if I understand what you are trying to do correctly), I would also recommend looking int...
9 years ago | 3
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can i save plottool configuration?
Hi Saleh, Once you change all the plot preferences that you would like (ex: color, font, etc), if you navigate to the "File" ...
9 years ago | 0
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Polyspace CodeProver – reanalyze only differences
Hi Daniel, This functionality is not currently available in Polyspace, but I work for MathWorks and have forwarded your feedb...
9 years ago | 0
Surface plot of Simulation Data
Hi Joel, I will second Walter's clarification question, but I also wanted to point you to <http://www.mathworks.com/company/n...
9 years ago | 0
how can i apply artificial bee colony algorithm to denoise an image?
Hi Nishi, It seems like there are several users who have already implemented the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm in MATLAB. I...
9 years ago | 0
How to run an R function from MATLAB
Hi Daniel, There is a File Exchange function <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5051-matlab-r-link here> th...
9 years ago | 2
Is it possible to brush data on a plot and have it assigned to a variable immediatly after brushing instead of having to save it manually?
Hi Calabrese, There is no in-built functionality to do this in MATLAB, but there a few potential workarounds that you could l...
9 years ago | 2
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How can I specify "forward" or "backward" model selection in stepwiselm function?
Hi Boyi, To do a forward selection, you can start with a model with no variables. For example: >> rng('default') >...
9 years ago | 0
parfor error: The variable objectEdges in a parfor cannot be classified.
I second Edric to please provide the minimum reproduction steps and clarification what you are using parfor for. I have seen a s...
10 years ago | 0
Setup Default Property at startup
Hi Patrick, To define a default property value, you need to specify a string with the word 'default', the object type (ex: Ax...
10 years ago | 1
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Batch renaming in matlab
Hi Jack, In order to move or rename files programmatically, I would recommend looking at the "movefile" function. I'm not sur...
10 years ago | 0
putting a legend to plot a data in a for loop
Hi Meva, Could you please clarify what your desired outcome would be? I wasn't quite sure if you wanted 8 legend entries that...
10 years ago | 0
Why don't my R2012a multi-line uibuttongroup titles work in R2015a?
Hi Jim, The graphics system underwent a major overhaul in MATLAB R2014b and based on the aesthetics of multi-line titles with...
10 years ago | 0
How do I get the FaceColor of a histogram if set to ‘auto’?
Hi Gero, The actual FaceColor is based on the 'ColorOrder' property of the axes, so if you assumed that the color order hasn'...
10 years ago | 0
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How do you plot a 3D circle segment?
Hi Laurence, There is no built-in function to plot a segment of a circle. However, it is still possible to do with combinatio...
10 years ago | 3
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Problem in connecting to PostgreSQL Database (database.ODBCConnection)
Hi Amit, As mentioned in that link, you need to have the Database Toolbox to connect to the postgresql database. Hope this he...
10 years ago | 0
I need to create an array of trapezoids in a single line. I am new to matlab. Can anyone help me out?
Hi Chandon, Could you clarify what you mean by a single line? (For example, do you just mean shapes that are adjacent to each...
10 years ago | 0
Is it possible to set the precision or the number of iterations for mnrfit?
Hi Mr M, It is not currently possible to set the precision or number of iterations for the "mnrfit" function unless you were ...
10 years ago | 0
Rapid accelerator compiler issue when importing workspace data array
Hi Brendan, Is it possible for you to share your model and MAT file? My first thought would be that it's something related to...
10 years ago | 0
Why do I not find the InstallForMacOsX.app file in the downloaded folder?
Hi Federica, It looks like you may have downloaded the install file for the incorrect operating system. Can you please double...
10 years ago | 0
How to model sun-sensor photocell
Hi Divas, In order to do physical modeling of sensors, you would need to use Simscape (and potentially SimElectronics dependi...
10 years ago | 0
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I need help in matching of test image with the database image
Hi Pooja, Please follow the MATLAB Answers <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/6200-tutorial-how-to-ask-a-questio...
10 years ago | 0
Plotting 4-D graph, 3-D with 4th dimension colored
Hi Bus, If your fourth dimension is only a small number of discrete values, I agree a legend would make more sense (Although ...
10 years ago | 1
writing a script using linear interpolation eq. without hardcoding
Hi Angel, Apologies- I'm not sure that I understand your question. To clarify, let's say you have imported your data from Exc...
10 years ago | 0
Plotting 4-D graph, 3-D with 4th dimension colored
Hi Bus, What sort of data are you trying to visualize? Without a specific idea, a few general recommendations for you: * F...
10 years ago | 2
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1d heat conduction problem
Hi Clark, Please see the guidelines for asking homework questions on MATLAB Answers found <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcen...
10 years ago | 0
oscillating phases when using fft and ifft
Hi Robert, Is there a reason you're defining ft and y2 by first performing fftshift or ifftshift on those signals? These func...
10 years ago | 0
I am using a linear svm an i would like to tune the boxconstraint parameter.
Hi Konstantinos, The adjustments you would make would highly depend on your specific data, but to clarify how the BoxConstrai...
10 years ago | 0
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