
Basil C.

Last seen: 10 months ago Active since 2018

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Like to code, but just as a hobby..


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How to split a 1x108 cell array into 12 1x09 cell arrays?

4 years ago | 1

| accepted

Determine polynomial coefficients so that it's roots lie on the unit circle
For the equation always has roots in complex field C. Let and are its complex roots, then product of roots is = b Since ...

4 years ago | 0

How to identify that you have multiple values in a vector?
Hints: Read about unique() function For each unique value try finding the number of times it occurs using len() and find() fu...

4 years ago | 0

Angle difference between two bearings
To convert any angle to its principal angle function y = prin_angle(x) y=rem(x,360); % returns the remainder when dividing...

4 years ago | 0

Integral not calculating. Too many input requirements and error using function.
The error occurs from the fact you are performing a double integration but are passing only one variable so MATLAB doesnt know w...

4 years ago | 0

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Angle difference between two bearings
Read about principal angles... For the 1st case: A=-175 whose principal angle is 185 degree A - B = 185 - 175 = 10 degrees ...

4 years ago | 0

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Matlab Math error seems can someone help me out
-0.05<-0.0020 checks if -0.05 is less than -0.002 and returns a logical 1 which means that it is true. The same logic can be ...

4 years ago | 0

Delete empty cells in array; keep column / row structure
the function cellfun iterates through each cell in the cell array A. Suppose if 31 elements where to remain rather than 34, th...

4 years ago | 0

why doesn't this matlab code work? HELP!!!
The error could be in the while loop. Try using the following. while(Tfp>=Tf(end)) If you could share the error, it would be m...

4 years ago | 0

How can i convert this R code into MATLAB
The rnorm function can be replaced by r = normrnd(0,1/sqrt(2),[1,1000]) You can read more about it: normrnd If else statemen...

4 years ago | 0

How do I solve an equation with a vector term?
The line eqn1 = 50000 == u./q.*(m_0-q.*t).*log(m_0-q.*t)+u.*(log(m_0)+1).*t-0.5.*g.*t.^2-((m_0.*u)./q).*log(m_0); will define...

5 years ago | 0

integral definite, what is the code to implement it?
syms r expr= 2*pi*rho*(omega- W/2)*W*r^3; F = int(expr,a,b) ,it computes the definite integral of expr from a to b.

5 years ago | 0

Too many input arguments ?
The function fplot is used to plot functions. The input that you are providing are array elements so you could rather use plot(...

5 years ago | 0

Continue for nested loops
You could try out this for jj = 1:5 f(x)=... for ii = 15+j:20 f(x)=... continue ...

5 years ago | 1

how can I plot particular rows of a matrix?
You could first start by reading the columns into an array data=readtable('Price.txt'); prices=data(:,3:30); n=5; %in order t...

5 years ago | 0

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How does one plot only the maximum y value for an x value with multiple y values?
Hi Geoff, After seeing the data you provided im assuming the data set it something like y4=[5 5 4 4 3 3 ...

5 years ago | 0

How can I write a matlab code for the below mentioned expression?
Hi Anomitra, For the variable 'ne' you could define it as a Np x Np with diagonal elements as 0 and non diagonal elements as 1 ...

5 years ago | 0

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Decimal to binary, bit reversal of binary and binary to decimal
I suppose the error has to do with the command 'fliplr' Could you rather try the function 'flipud' X = flipud(b);

5 years ago | 0

Error:- Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Hi Yash, This could be because of the line irradianceReorder(round(a1),round(b1),round(c1)) = irradiance(i,j,k) + irradianceRe...

5 years ago | 0

New to MATLAB so need help with following
You could first declare an array of x element knowing that you need to find value upto X(6) clc clear all close all N=6; %if...

5 years ago | 1

Newton's method in Matlab
You seem to have made some fudamentals errors in your code. 1. the variable 'x' cannot be used however you feel right 2. also ...

6 years ago | 3

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how to create scatter and histogram plots in the same graph?
Did you try the command hold on;

6 years ago | 0

hi! i m trying to create a 3-d solid volume graph using viewsolid.but when i m using viewsolid or viewsolidone its showing a error that variable is not defined.viewsolid i think is a function....can anyone help me in this matter?
Just create another file with the following code in the same directory having the name viewSolid.m function viewSolid(zvar, F, ...

6 years ago | 1

How to solve matrix dimension must agree error in the following program.
Hi, according to what you stated in the comment there are a few mistakes i would like to points out 1. when b=1:1:a you only ...

6 years ago | 0

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Pareto chart in matlab for N x M matrix
Did you try by converting the NxM matrix into an array having all the N*M elements and the use the pareto function? Need a bi...

6 years ago | 0

How to use global variables inside a function?
First you need to define a variable say x as global global x x=5 Then in the function definition which is using the glo...

6 years ago | 20

Not enough input arguments
The code you have written is correct all that you need to do is to define the variable P after you have defined the value of A,B...

6 years ago | 0

How to solve x^4-p*x+q.solve for x considering p and q as constants
Here is a better way to implement when you only have the equation given syms x %define the value of p and q y=x^4-p*x+q;...

6 years ago | 0

How to set domain for p(x)/q(x) functions?
You could just use this simple code instead syms x y=(x-1)/(x-2) ezplot(y)

6 years ago | 0

How to plot this equation in 3D?
You could use the following code syms x y z = ((1/x)^2 +y^2)^(1/2) ezsurf(z)

6 years ago | 0

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