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Can I generate data visualizations like heatmaps on matlabs' site viewer?
Try the propagationData function. Using propagationData and its contour function, you can load custom data into the data object ...
4 years ago | 1
how to save siteviewer image from coverage function
Based on your responses, it looks like you want to save a snapshot of the Site Viewer window, similar to saving a figure window'...
6 years ago | 0
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Online exchange of data between Matlab and MEX-file/thread
1. The updating of line data + drawnow is the best way to go about updating the plot. However, instead of using "while(1)", yo...
7 years ago | 0
Reset Constant value in Simulink from Matlab GUI
This is a very common issue, and I completely understand why! The issue here is because in line 81 of "change_const.m", the v...
7 years ago | 1
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How to set define a header files directory for the MinGw64 compiler
Rather than changing the C++ code to have the path to the header, you can call "mex" with the "-Ipathname" flag to specify the p...
7 years ago | 0
How to generate Optimization toolbox functions(like fmincon )code for Raspberrypi ?
Unfortunately, code cannot be generated for many functions in the optimization toolbox, like "fmincon". For the full list of fun...
7 years ago | 0
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Simscape Fix-step simulaiton with two different time steps
According to the following doc page: <
7 years ago | 0
Wavelet question about the timing of coefficients compared to original signal
Since the original plot has a scale of 1:4000, the first detail coefficient d1 must have a size of 1:2000. This is because calcu...
7 years ago | 0
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How can i delete error of variable-size on Simulink?
The "Error Rate Calculation" block does not support variable-sized signals, as confirmed by this documentation link: <https:/...
7 years ago | 0
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Why does the high-side switch turn ON with the Buck converter in the figure below?
It looks like the ideal semiconductor block is intended to be in the "on" state when the gate-cathode voltage exceeds the thresh...
7 years ago | 0
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How to fix "Failed to generate all binary outputs"
It looks like the spaces in your file path are causing the issue. MATLAB and Simulink typically have issues with spaces in the f...
7 years ago | 1
How do I change my trigger commands for a session based interface in the Data Acquisition Toolbox?
You're probably already using the following link to transition your code to session-based, but just in case, this link is very h...
7 years ago | 0
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Why does robstab return stable perturbation?
I agree that the values do not seem correct. In fact, strangely if you use the range [0.55, 1.5] with a nominal value of 1, then...
7 years ago | 0
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Compare Correlation Coefficients with multiple comparisons?
You could calculate the p value using the function you linked, and then perhaps try using the following function on the file exc...
7 years ago | 0
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Boxplot with 5th and 95th percentile with multiple data sets
You could use the "whisker" parameter in the "boxplot" function. i.e boxplot(data, group,... 'symbol','','factordirection',...
7 years ago | 0
ERT control Row major matrix order
Unfortunately, due to the way both languages are implemented, changing the matrix order convention is not possible in the genera...
7 years ago | 0
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how to solve multiple iteration for multiple input?
You could create another for loop outside your "while" loop that changes epsilon during each iteration. Then you substitute this...
7 years ago | 0
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USRP B210 GPSDO time?
Unfortunately, the ability to get the timestamps of each sample is not currently possible in Simulink. I have notified the ...
7 years ago | 0
Selecting only the top half of values from a text document?
Is each line of the data one entry in the table? That is, are you taking the top half of lines to be put into one column, and th...
7 years ago | 0
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how to perform Signal amplitude demodulation
Using any kind of lowpass filter in general should introduce some delay, so the results you are seeing are to be expected. That ...
7 years ago | 0
RS232 issue under Simulink realtime
Since the function has an inherited sampling time (-1), the rate at which it is executed is dependent on the block that feeds in...
7 years ago | 0
Is there a way I can impose Constraints on the model parameters while working with greybox modeling (greyest)?
Unfortunately this seems to be a limitation in the "greyest" function. It is currently not possible to give a boundary to "greye...
7 years ago | 0
AnalysisPoint fails when using multiple connect commands
This is actually a limitation of the "connect" function. I have notified the developers of this. For now, the error points t...
7 years ago | 1
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How can I stop C MEX s-function from outputting anything?
It shouldn't be possible to remove the output entirely, since if there is an outport on your s-function block, there will always...
7 years ago | 0
How can I reset/change ciruit ports?
Unfortunately, modifying/resetting the ports on a defined circuit object is currently not possible. Once a circuit object is cre...
7 years ago | 1
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options for genetic algorithm with sdo.optimize
Since you are using @searchga as the search function for sdo.optimize, perhaps you could try to pass in additional information a...
7 years ago | 0
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Inverse Z-transform mismatch
The above difference is because the z transform is only valid for non-negative integers. In fact, if you plot the two functions ...
7 years ago | 0
3/2 pneumatic valve model
It sounds like you're building this component using a series of other components (like the variable restriction component, and o...
7 years ago | 0
What is SetSimViewingDevice?
Unfortunately, the serial send/receive blocks from the Instrument control toolbox are not supported for code generation. Therefo...
7 years ago | 1
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Include timeseries data from workspace in Simulink and activate them by trigger during simulation
In general, timeseries data must go hand-in-hand with the current time of the simulation. So unfortunately, having the data eval...
7 years ago | 0
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