R2022a - Updates to the MATLAB and Simulink product families - MATLAB & Simulink

R2022a at a Glance


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R2022a Release Highlights

New Products

Major Updates

  • Econometrics Toolbox – Conduct cointegration tests and fit multivariate time series models interactively in the Econometric Modeler app
  • MATLAB Compiler SDK – Publish a MATLAB function as a Docker container microservice
  • MATLAB Production Server – Map custom request URLs to deployed MATLAB functions, serve static content, and customize request headers
  • Polyspace Access – Identify coding defects, review static analysis results, and monitor software quality metrics
  • Requirements Toolbox – Link requirements to MATLAB code and tests; formalize and validate requirements
  • Risk Management Toolbox – Perform lifetime expected credit loss (ECL) computations at the individual asset or portfolio level
  • Robotics System Toolbox – Construct cuboid scenarios and simulate sensor readings for robotics applications
  • Signal Processing Toolbox – AI workflows: pre-process, extract features, and label signals
  • Simulink Check – Author custom edit-time checks and justify Model Advisor violations
  • Simulink Real-Time – Linux platform support for development computer

Release Details by Product

MATLAB Product Family


  • 3 New Apps: Data Cleaner, Hardware Manager, Code Compatibility Analyzer
  • pcode: Use new pcode file format with stronger obfuscation
  • Python: Use simpler keyword passing with name=value syntax, and editor support for Python code
  • Graphics: Create animated GIF files; pass tables directly to plot, plot3, polarplot, and other line plotting functions
  • App Building: Create custom UI components with App Designer
  • Live Editor: Develop your own Live Editor tasks
  • N-D Array Math: tensorprod, pagemldivide, pagemrdivide, and pageinv
  • Parquet Files: Use conditional filtering (Predicate Pushdown) with rowfilter; support for reading and writing of row groups and nested data structures

AI, Data Science, and Statistics

Deep Learning Toolbox

  • Model Pruning: Create compressed versions of models that consume less computational resources
  • MATLAB Deep Learning Model Hub: Discover and use pretrained deep learning models
  • Deployment of Imported Models: Generate code for additional Keras and ONNX built-in layers
  • Experiment Manager Batch Experiments: Run multiple experiments simultaneously on a remote cluster (requires MATLAB Parallel Server)
  • 1D Convolutional Networks: Create and train networks with 1-D transposed convolution for sequence and time series data

Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

  • Machine Learning Apps: Save and resume sessions, rank and select features by importance, and reserve data for testing
  • Incremental Machine Learning: Perform drift detection on streaming data; train kernel and multi-class linear models
  • Deployment: Generate C/C++ code for inference with shallow neural nets
  •  Simulink: Simulink block for Gaussian process regression

Curve Fitting Toolbox

  • Curve Fitter app: Use new toolstrip design for improved usability; select fitting and validation data from MATLAB table data types

Control Systems

Model Predictive Control Toolbox

  • MISRA C 2012: Implement MISRA C:2012-compliant controllers with linear MPC and ADAS blocks in Simulink

System Identification Toolbox

  • Nonlinear System Identification: Create Hammerstein-Wiener models that use regression functions based on machine learning algorithms

Simulink Design Optimization

  • Surrogate Optimization Solver in Response Optimizer and Parameter Estimator Apps: Speed up time-consuming optimization problems

Reinforcement Learning Toolbox

  • Model-Based Policy Optimization Agent: Use a model of the environment to improve sample efficiency and exploration
  • Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Train multiple agents in a centralized manner for more efficient exploration and learning

Predictive Maintenance Toolbox

  • Deployment: Generate C/C++ code for RUL similarity models, rotating machinery metrics, and nonlinear signal features
  • Diagnostic Feature Designer: Extract stationary time series features from signal data

Math and Optimization

Optimization Toolbox

  • Problem-Based Optimize Live Editor Task: Solve optimization problems and systems of equations using a visual interface

Global Optimization Toolbox

  • Problem-Based Optimize Live Editor Task: Solve global and multiobjective optimization problems using a visual interface

Symbolic Math Toolbox

  • Symbolic Matrix Functions: Perform parameter-dependent linear algebra calculations in compact matrix notation

Partial Differential Equation Toolbox

  • Electromagnetic Analysis: Solve time-harmonic wave scattering and transmission problems using a finite element method
  • Thermal Reduced Order Models: Approximate dynamic characteristics of a thermal model for faster execution (e.g., for batteries and CPUs)

Application Deployment


  • Microservice Integration: Create a microservice Docker image using the compiler.package.microserviceDockerImage function

MATLAB Production Server

  • Web Request Handlers: Support for custom URL routes and request payloads

Code Generation

AUTOSAR Blockset

  • Adaptive AUTOSAR: Use ara::com methods and ara::com with service-oriented communication support events
  • Classic AUTOSAR: Simulate basic software component event failure and recovery, including Release 19-11

DDS Blockset

  • Support for RTI Connext Micro communication middleware

Fixed-Point Designer

  • Estimate design costs of data memory consumption and operator counts in generated code

MATLAB Coder and GPU Coder

  • Generate generic C/C++ code for more deep learning layers
  • Improve performance for deep learning network layers, including SIMD
  • Support for additional TensorFlow-Keras and ONNX built-in layers
  • Incorporate pretrained TensorFlow Lite models for simulation and code generation

Simulink Coder

  • Specify tunable parameters for protected models

Embedded Coder

  • Use deployment types to simplify configuration of top and reference model interfaces
  • Improve compliance for MISRA C:2012, MISRA C++:2008, and AUTOSAR C++14
  • Profile stack usage to assess memory consumption

Simulink Product Family


  • Streamline masking workflows with new mask editor
  • Integrate custom C++ class with C Function block
  • Improve simulation performance by using local solvers in referenced models
  • Simulink Fundamentals training course

Simulink Compiler

  • App Creation: Generate a configurable MATLAB UI from a Simulink model without writing code
  • FMU Export: Package files and folders as well as protected models into a standalone FMU

Simulink Report Generator

  • Summarize Simulink model contents in a table object
  • Include user notes in web views

Event-Based Modeling


  • Integration of Stateflow breakpoints in the Simulink Breakpoints List pane
  • Improved workflows in creating atomic subcharts with entry and exit junctions
  • String datatypes now supported in State Transition Table and Truth Table blocks

Physical Modeling

Simscape Electrical

  • Model hydrogen production with new Electrolyzer block
  • Parameterize solar panels by selecting from more than 250 manufacturer-specific datasets
  • Expanded motor library and features, including switched-reluctance machines, PMSM, and detailed iron losses

Real-Time Simulation and Testing

Simulink Real-Time

  • Install and use Simulink Real-Time on Linux development computers
  • Automatically create an App Designer instrument panel from a model or real-time application
  • Improved test automation with third-party tools with ASAM XIL API classes and methods for MAPort read/write, SignalFactory, SignalGeneratorFactory, and SignalGenerator

Systems Engineering

System Composer

  • Client-Server Interfaces: Model distributed software service architectures
  • Use subsystem references to add reusable Simulink and Simscape behaviors to components
  • Compare two versions of an architecture model using the Comparison Tool

Verification, Validation, and Test

Requirements Toolbox

  • Author, link, and validate requirements within MATLAB
  • Trace requirements for test cases created in MATLAB Unit Test
  • Formalize requirements with logical expressions using the Requirements Table block
  • Track requirements impacted by changes in test cases

Simulink Check

  • Author custom checks that run at edit-time
  • Justify and hide check violations
  • Include System Composer models in the Model Testing Dashboard artifact hierarchy
  • Refactor similar clones anywhere in the model
  • Debug equivalence test failures using Model Slicer

Simulink Test

  • New logical and temporal assessment functions and classes
  • Observer support for messages

Simulink Design Verifier

  • Analyze requirements authored in a Requirements Table to check for consistency and completeness

Signal Processing

Signal Processing Toolbox

  • AI Workflows: Preprocess, extract features, and label signals
  • Generate C/C++ code for more than 200 toolbox functions
  • GPU support for feature extraction, spectral analysis, spectral measurements, and transforms

DSP Toolbox

  • Spectrum Analyzer with better responsiveness and toolstrip interface for analysis, estimation, and measurement parameters

Wavelet Toolbox

  • Visualize scalogram with Wavelet Time-Frequency Analyzer app

Audio Toolbox

  • New examples for AI, room acoustics, and electroacoustic modeling


Radar Toolbox

  • Model land and sea surface clutter and reflectivity

Mapping Toolbox

  • Create custom basemaps for offline use
  • Capture image from basemap with georeferencing information

Image Processing and Computer Vision

Computer Vision Toolbox

  • New image data type for image processing and computer vision in Simulink

Lidar Toolbox

  • Lidar Sensor Model: Simulate lidar sensors and generate point cloud data

FPGA, ASIC, and SoC Development

HDL Coder

  • Generate IP core for Xilinx Versal devices
  • Use reference design workflow for Microsemi Libero SoC

Deep Learning HDL Toolbox

  • Network custom layer creation, registration, validation, and deployment

DSP HDL Toolbox

  • New Product: Model hardware implementations of DSP algorithms and generate HDL (using HDL Coder)

Vision HDL Toolbox

  • Support multipixel per clock for Histogram and Bilateral Filter blocks

Wireless HDL Toolbox

  • Use DVB-S2 receiver reference application

HDL Verifier

  • Use Vivado simulator for cosimulating an HDL design with a Simulink or MATLAB test bench
  • Use hardware buffering to improve FPGA-in-the-loop simulation performance

Test and Measurement

Industrial Communication Toolbox

  • New Product: Exchange data over OPC UA, Modbus, MQTT, and other industrial protocols
  • Access plant and manufacturing data directly from OSIsoft PI servers

Data Acquisition Toolbox

  • TDMS File Support: Read data from an individual NI TDMS format file or use datastore to read a collection of TDMS files

Instrument Control Toolbox

  • UDP Explorer App: Create a UDP socket and communicate over networks using UDP protocol
  • New Instrument Driver Interface: Connect to instruments using IVI and VXIplug&play drivers

Vehicle Network Toolbox

  • MDF File Support: Create MDF files and write to MDF files directly from MATLAB

Image Acquisition Toolbox

  • Image Acquisition Explorer App: Preview live video data from your image acquisition hardware and configure device-specific properties and acquisition settings

Wireless Communications

Communications Toolbox

  • Wireless Communications Onramp: Learn the basics of simulating a wireless communications link in MATLAB

Bluetooth Toolbox

  • New Product: Simulate, analyze, and test Bluetooth communications systems

Wireless Testbench

  • New Product: Explore and test wireless reference applications in real time on SDR hardware

Autonomous Systems

Automated Driving Toolbox

  • Cosimulate scenarios in RoadRunner with actors modeled in MATLAB and Simulink

Robotics System Toolbox

  • Robot Scenarios and Sensor Models: Construct cuboid scenario and simulate sensor readings for robotics applications
  • Inverse Kinematics Designer App: Visualize and tune inverse kinematics solvers and create configurations

UAV Toolbox

  • Hardware in the Loop: Enable hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation with Pixhawk Autopilot and Simulink plant model
  • UAV Scenario Designer App: Design and visualize UAV simulation scenarios interactively

RoadRunner Scenario

  • New Product: Create and play back scenarios for automated driving simulation


Aerospace Blockset

  • 3D Simulation: Supports custom meshes and aircraft lighting in Simulation 3D Aircraft block

Computational Finance

Financial Instruments Toolbox

  • Instrument Pricing: Model trinomial trees with finpricer
  • Equity Instruments: Calculate rates and pricing for commodity futures, equity index futures, and FX futures
  • Live Task: Calibrate an option pricing model interactively

Econometrics Toolbox

  • Conduct cointegration tests and fit multivariate time series models interactively in the Econometrics Modeler app
  • Bayesian State-Space Models: Analyze posterior distributions of random parameters in multivariate linear state-space models

Risk Management Toolbox

  • Lifetime Credit Risk Analysis: Calculate lifetime expected credit loss
  • Fairness in Credit Scoring Example: Calculate fairness metrics and detect bias at the data and model level

Financial Toolbox

  • Perform Quasi-Monte Carlo simulation
  • Portfolio Management: Manage a risk parity portfolio
  • Backtesting Framework Example: Backtest with deep learning strategies

Code Verification

Polyspace Access

  • New web dashboard for improved user experience
  • Manage Polyspace Access projects programmatically
  • Visual Studio Code plug-in with new views for configuration, results, baseline, and mass findings justification

Polyspace Bug Finder and Polyspace Bug Finder Server

  • Improve analysis time by using incremental compilation
  • Support 1,216 C/C++, MISRA C++, CERT-C++, CWE, and AUTOSAR C++ rules with 46 new checks


AUTOSAR Blockset

  • Adaptive AUTOSAR: Use ara::com methods and ara::com events with service-oriented communication support
  • Classic AUTOSAR: Simulate basic software component event failure and recovery, including Release 19-11

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox

  • Battery Calibration: Characterize an Equivalent Circuit Battery
  • Transient Calibration: Get faster optimization for Simulink models with first-order transient systems

Powertrain Blockset

  • Use Virtual Vehicle Composer app to configure and build full vehicle models, including component sizing, fuel economy, and drive cycle tracking
  • Motor Dynamometer Reference Application: Resize and evaluate electric motors and controllers

Vehicle Dynamics Blockset

  • Use Virtual Vehicle Composer app to configure and build full vehicle models, including ride-handling analysis and Unreal Engine visualization
  • Use suspension blocks to implement kinematics and compliance test characteristics