Functional Safety and Standards - MATLAB & Simulink

Functional Safety Standards

Functional Safety Standards

Developing products to safety standards with Model-Based Design

With MATLAB and Simulink, engineering teams speed up product development while ensuring compliance with the most rigorous requirements of safety standards such as ISO 26262, IEC 61508, EN 50128, EN 50657, IEC 62304, ISO 25119, DO-178C, and DO-254.

DO Qualification Kit and IEC Certification Kit provide reference workflows and guidance that let you meet the requirements of safety standards throughout their process models.

The kits provide guidance on methods and tool use cases, which you can use at the system, hardware, and software levels covering specification, design, implementation, verification, and validation activities. Verification and validation with Model-Based Design span activities of verifying software units to validating system requirements. With Model-Based Design simulation capabilities, you can shift left much of these verification and validation activities even before final implementation or production-intent hardware becomes available.

Diagram of a Reference Workflow for System and Software Certification.

A reference workflow for system and software certification in DO Qualification Kit and IEC Certification Kit.

Concept and Development Activities at the System Level

With Model-Based Design, you can use System Composer, Simulink, Simscape, and verification and validation tools in Simulink to conceptualize, specify, design, develop, verify, and validate your electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems, including:

Rapid Control Prototyping with Simulink Real-Time (4:50)

Working with your requirements and architectural design within the same environment.

Development Activities at the Software Level

Engineers develop embedded software with Model-Based Design to meet certification standards

Illustration of software testing with Model-Based Design.

Testing your software as soon as your detailed design models become available.

Development Activities at the Hardware Level

Model-Based Design lets engineering teams develop FPGA and ASIC applications that comply with standard requirements on programmable logic devices, including design and verification activities.

Using HDL Verifier to ensure your generated RTL functions as required.

Supporting Processes

In addition to engineering processes, Model-Based Design provides several capabilities relevant to supporting processes.

Diagram of a continuous integration platform workflow.

Running MATLAB and Simulink on your own CI server.


The following links show content specific to various standards; however, due to many commonalities among different certification standards, you can transfer several methods and concepts from one standard to another with little to no change.

Key products for complying with Functional Safety standards: