IEC 61508 Support in MATLAB and Simulink - Automotive Industry Standards - MATLAB & Simulink


IEC 61508 Support in MATLAB and Simulink

Industry Standards

IEC 61508

Model-Based Design lets engineers develop embedded software in the automotive, industrial automation and machinery, and other regulated industries and application areas. Engineers choose Model-Based Design to produce software that complies with IEC 61508 in an efficient and effective manner.

IEC 61508 was developed for the industrial automation industry, but derivatives for other industries such as road vehicles (ISO 26262), earth moving machines (ISO 19014), agricultural machines (ISO 25119), rail (EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), and machinery (IEC 62061) exist.

IEC Certification Kit aids certification for IEC 61508 and its derivative standards, with reference workflows and tool mapping documents that guide you to develop  products and systems that comply with the standard.

IEC Certification Kit also provides the artifacts to comply with requirements from IEC 61508-3, clause 7.4.4 on tool classification and tool qualification. These artifacts cover tool use cases that make up the reference workflow including, but not limited to, use cases of Embedded Coder and model and code verification products.