Simulink and Digital Communications - A Perfect Match for the Classroom - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 25:58

Simulink and Digital Communications - A Perfect Match for the Classroom

Michael Rice, Brigham Young University

In this webinar, you will learn about the use of Simulink in digital communications systems through numerous examples.

In digital communications systems, the demodulator requires carrier phase synchronization and symbol timing synchronization to achieve optimum performance. These synchronizers are often implemented as discrete‐time feedback systems in the form of a phase‐locked loop (PLL). The Simulink environment is ideally suited to introducing and teaching the concepts of feedback systems. The block diagram–based approach enables instructors to introduce the elements of a digital communication system one at a time, with each newly introduced component based on earlier material.

About the Presenter: Dr. Michael Rice joined the faculty at Brigham Young University in 1991 and is currently the Jim Abrams Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. During the 1999-2000 academic year, Professor Rice was a visiting scholar at the Communication Systems and Signal Processing Institute at San Diego State University. In 1994 and 1995, he was a NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellow at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he worked on land mobile satellite systems. Before transitioning to academia, he was with Digital Transmission Systems, Inc. in Atlanta.

Recorded: 25 Apr 2011

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