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mlreportgen.dom.TableRow Class

Namespace: mlreportgen.dom


Use objects of the mlreportgen.dom.TableRow class to create a table row.

The mlreportgen.dom.TableRow class is a handle class.

Class Attributes


For information on class attributes, see Class Attributes.



tableRowObj = TableRow creates an empty table row.



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Height of this table row, specified as a character vector or string scalar that consists of a number followed by an abbreviation for a unit of measurement. For example, '0.5in' specifies one-half inch. Valid abbreviations are:

  • "px" — pixels

  • "cm" — centimeters

  • "in" — inches

  • "mm" — millimeters

  • "pc" — picas

  • "pt" — points

If the Style property of this table row includes an mlreportgen.dom.RowHeight format object, the Height property is set to the height specified by the format object.

If you set the Height property to a height value, a RowHeight object with the specified height is created and added to the Style property of the row, or is used to replace an existing RowHeight object in the Style property. The Type of the new RowHeight object is 'exact'. This Type value causes Microsoft® Word to generate a row of the specified height and truncate content that does not fit. HTML and PDF viewers create a row of at least the specified height and adjust the row height to accommodate the content.


If you add an mlreportgen.dom.Height object to the Style property, it is converted to an mlreportgen.dom.RowHeight object with the Type set to 'atleast'. This Type value causes HTML and PDF viewers and Microsoft Word to create a row of at least the specified height and adjust the row height to accommodate the content.

Example: '0.5in'

Table entries in this row, specified as an array of mlreportgen.dom.TableEntry objects. Use this property to access the table entries in this row. For example, this code accesses element 2 in row 2:

t = Table({'e11', 'e12'; 'e21', 'e22'});
elem22 = t.row(2).Entries(2);

You can also access element 2 in row 2 by using the entry method of the mlreportgen.dom.Table class. For example:

t = Table({'e11', 'e12'; 'e21', 'e22'});
elem22 = entry(t,2,2);

Once you access the TableEntry object that corresponds to a table entry, you can format the entry by setting properties of the object. See Format a Table Entry.

This property is read-only.

Number of table entries in this row, specified as an integer. This property is read-only.

Style name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The style name is the name of a style specified in the style sheet of the document or document part to which this element is appended. The specified style defines the appearance of this element in the output document unless overridden by the formats specified by the Style property of this element. To learn more about using style sheets, see Use Style Sheet Styles.


Microsoft Word output ignores the style name.



Data Types: char | string

Formats that define the style of this table row, specified as a cell array of DOM format objects. The formats override the corresponding formats defined by the stylesheet style specified by the StyleName property.

You can specify the row height by adding an mlreportgen.dom.RowHeight or an mlreportgen.dom.Height object to the Style property. An mlreportgen.dom.Height object is converted to an mlreportgen.dom.RowHeight object with the type set to 'atleast'.

Custom attributes of this document element, specified as an array of mlreportgen.dom.CustomAttribute objects. The custom attributes must be supported by the output format of the document element to which this object is appended.



Parent of mlreportgen.dom.TableRow object, specified as a document element object. A document element must have only one parent.



Children of mlreportgen.dom.TableRow object, specified as an array of document element objects. This property contains the document element objects appended using the append method.



Tag for the mlreportgen.dom.TableRow object, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The DOM API generates a session-unique tag as part of the creation of this object. The generated tag has the form CLASS:ID, where CLASS is the object class and ID is the value of the Id property of the object. Specify your own tag value to help you identify where to look when an issue occurs during document generation.



Data Types: char | string

Object identifier for the mlreportgen.dom.TableRow object, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The DOM API generates a session-unique identifier when it creates the document element object. You can specify your own value for Id.



Data Types: char | string


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To add content to an empty table, append table entries to table rows and then append the table rows to the table. This example creates this two-by-two table:

Create a document and then create a table that has two columns.

import mlreportgen.dom.*

d = Document();
t = Table(2);

Create two table rows.

tr1 = TableRow();
tr2 = TableRow();

Create table entries that contain the content and append the table entries to the rows.


Append the table rows to the table.


Append the table to the document. Close and view the document.


Use the Entries property of an mlreportgen.dom.TableRow object to access the mlreportgen.dom.TableEntry object that corresponds to the entry that you want to format. Format the entry by setting format properties of the TableEntry object or by adding format objects to the Style property of the object. This example changes the text color of the second entry of the second row to red.

import mlreportgen.dom.*
d = Document();
t = Table({'e11','e12';'e21','e22'});
t.row(2).Entries(2).Style = {Color('red')};

In the resulting table, the text, e22, in the second entry of the second row is red.

Alternatively, you can access a table entry by using the entry method of the mlreportgen.dom.Table object that contains the entry. In the previous example, replace:

t.row(2).Entries(2).Style = {Color('red')};


elem = entry(t,2,2);
elem.Style = {Color('red')};

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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