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Get or set Requirements Toolbox preferences stored in prefdir


rmipref returns a list of the Name=Value arguments for the preferences that you can set.

currentVal = rmipref(prefName) returns the current value of the preference specified by prefName.


previousVal = rmipref(Name=Value) sets a new value for the preference specified by Name, and returns the previous value of that preference.



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The value of the ModelPathReference preference determines how Requirements Toolbox™ stores references to your design artifact in external requirements documents. To view the current value of this preference, enter:

currentVal = rmipref("ModelPathReference")

The default value of the ModelPathReference preference is none.

currentVal =


This value specifies that Requirements Toolbox uses only the model file name in references to your design artifact that it creates in external requirements documents.

Specify that the user keywords design and reqts apply to new selection-based requirements links.

previousVal = rmipref("SelectionLinkKeyword","design,reqts")

When you specify a new value for a preference, rmipref returns the previous value of that preference. In this case, previousVal is an empty character vector, because the previous value of the SelectionLinkKeyword preference was empty.

previousVal =


View the currently specified value for the SelectionLinkKeyword preference.

currentVal = rmipref("SelectionLinkKeyword")
currentVal =


These user keywords apply to all new selection-based requirements links.

Configure Requirements Toolbox to embed requirements links data in the model file instead of in a separate SLMX file.


If you have existing requirements links for your model that are stored internally, you need to move these links into an external SLMX file before you change the storage settings for your requirements traceability data. See for more information.

To embed requirements traceability data in the model file, set the StoreDataExternally preference to 0.

previousVal = rmipref("StoreDataExternally",0)

When you specify a new value for a preference, rmipref returns the previous value of that preference. By default, Requirements Toolbox stores requirements links data externally in a separate SLMX file, so the previous value of this preference was 1.

previousVal =


Set the StoreDataExternally preference to 0.

currentVal = rmipref("StoreDataExternally")
currentVal =


Input Arguments

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Preference name, specified as one of the values in the Name-Value Arguments section.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name=Value, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(BiDirectionalLinking=true)

Preference for inserting backlinks in third-party applications, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

When you enable this preference and create direct links to requirements in Microsoft® Word, Microsoft Excel®, and IBM® DOORS®, Requirements Toolbox inserts backlinks in the external requirements document. For more information, see Manage Navigation Backlinks in External Requirements Documents

Example: previousVal = rmipref(BiDirectionalLinking=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference for storing custom settings, specified as a structure array. The fields of the structure array define the name and value of the custom settings. The default value is a structure with the field inUse whose value is 0.


Use the struct function to create the structure array.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(CustomSettings=struct("MySetting",0))

Data Types: struct

Preference for the path of direct links to requirements in third-party applications, specified as:

  • "none" — Direct link path contains only the document file name

  • "absolute" — Direct link path is an absolute path to the requirements document

  • "pwdRelative" — Direct link path is a relative path from the current folder in MATLAB®

  • "modelRelative" — Direct link path is a relative path from the link source artifact

For more information, see Document Path Storage.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(DocumentPathReference="absolute")

Data Types: string | char

Preference to set IBM DOORS backlink direction, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

By default, Requirements Toolbox inserts backlinks as outgoing links. When you set this preference to true, Requirements Toolbox inserts backlinks as incoming links.


This preference applies to links only in IBM DOORS, not IBM DOORS Next.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(DoorsBacklinkIncoming=true)

Data Types: logical

IBM DOORS module ID, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Use this preference to enable navigation from Requirements Toolbox requirements that you imported from a ReqIF™ file that you generated from IBM DOORS by specifying the IBM DOORS module ID.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(DoorsModuleID="000001c1")

Data Types: char | string

Preference to include annotations and area annotations in IBM DOORS surrogate models, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

When you set this preference to true, Requirements Toolbox includes annotations and area annotations from Simulink® models when you create IBM DOORS surrogate modules. For more information, see Synchronize Requirements Traceability in IBM DOORS by Using Surrogate Modules.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(DoorsSyncAnnotations=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference for copying links when you copy model elements, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

By default, Requirements Toolbox copies and pastes the links when you copy and paste Simulink, Stateflow®, or System Composer™ model elements that have links to other items. When you set this preference to false, Requirements Toolbox only copies the links when you highlight links in the model. For more information about requirements highlighting in models, see Highlight Model Objects with Requirements.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(DuplicateOnCopy=0)

Data Types: logical

Preference to filter links checked by Model Advisor requirements consistency checking, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, the Model Advisor requirements consistency checks check only the links that have the keywords specified by the FilterRequireKeywords preference and does not check the links that have the keywords specified by the FilterExcludeKeywords preference. For more information about requirements filtering, see Filter Requirements with User Keywords.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(FilterConsistencyChecking=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to filter links from requirement highlighting and requirements reports, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

When you set this preference to true, Requirements Toolbox highlights and includes in reports only the links that have the keywords specified by the FilterRequireKeywords preference and does not highlight or include the links that have the keywords specified by the FilterExcludeKeywords preference. For more information about requirements filtering, see Filter Requirements with User Keywords.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(FilterEnable=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to specify keywords to exclude links from model highlighting, reports, and Model Advisor consistency checking, specified as a string scalar or character vector that contains a comma-separated list of keywords. The FilterConsistencyChecking, FilterMenusByKeywords, and FilterEnable preferences use these keywords.

For more information about requirements filtering, see Filter Requirements with User Keywords.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(FilterExcludeKeywords="design,test")

Data Types: char | string

Preference to disable links in context menu, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true and set FilterEnable to true, you can disable links in the Requirements context menu that appears when you right-click a linkable item. To disable links that do not have certain keywords, specify keywords by using the FilterRequireKeywords preference. To disable links that have certain keywords, specify keywords by using the FilterExcludeKeywords preference. For more information about requirements filtering, see Filter Requirements with User Keywords.


If you specify keywords by using both the FilterRequireKeywords and FilterExcludeKeywords preferences, Requirements Toolbox enables only the links that meet both specified criteria.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(FilterMenusByKeywords=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to specify keywords to include links in model highlighting, reports, and Model Advisor consistency checking, specified as a string scalar or character vector that contains a comma-separated list of keywords. The FilterConsistencyChecking, FilterMenusByKeywords, and FilterEnable preferences use these keywords.

For more information about requirements filtering, see Filter Requirements with User Keywords.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(FilterRequireKeywords="design,test")

Data Types: char | string

File path to image to use for backlink icon in external requirements documents, specified as a string scalar or character vector that contains an absolute path to an image file. When you specify a custom image and then create direct links to requirements in external documents, Requirements Toolbox inserts a backlink with the specified image as the backlink icon in external requirements documents in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or IBM DOORS.


You must set BiDirectionalLinking to true to insert backlinks in external requirements documents.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(LinkIconFilePath="C:\Users\jdoe\pictures\myLinkIcon.jpg")

Data Types: char | string

Custom authentication callback function for integration with web-based services, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

If your network requires advanced authentication that the default authentication process does not support, use this argument to register a custom authentication callback function. When you register a custom authentication callback function and then use slreq.dngConfigure, the function calls your custom function to authenticate the connection with the IBM DOORS Next server. For more information, see the Tips section of slreq.dngConfigure.


The custom authentication callback function should take this form:

function [success,cookies] = myCustomLoginProvider(server,options)
% Provide your implementation here
The custom authentication function should return two arguments: success status and the authenticated cookies received from the server as a object.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(LoginProvider="myCustomLoginProvider")

Data Types: char | string

Preference for direct link path from requirements in third-party applications to linked artifact, specified as one of these values:

  • "absolute" — Direct link path contains the absolute path to the Simulink, Stateflow, or System Composer model.

  • "none" — Direct link path contains only the model name.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ModelPathReference="absolute")

Data Types: char | string

Customize link label for links to OSCL resources, specified as a string scalar or character vector. For more information, see Relationship labels on the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration website.

By default, the link labels contain the first 40 characters of the requirement title or primary text, the ID, and the project name of the linked item.

Data Types: char | string

Preference to update the configuration context in MATLAB, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, Requirements Toolbox updates the configuration context in MATLAB to match the configuration context of the selected OSLC resource item in the web browser.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(OslcMatchBrowserContext=true)

Data Types: logical

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) server address, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(OslcServerAddress="")

Data Types: char | string

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) server requirements management root, specified as a string scalar or a character vector. The default value is rm.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(OslcServerRMRoot="rm")

Data Types: char | string

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) username, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(OslcServerUser="jdoe")

Data Types: char | string

Preference to allow global configurations when configuring a MATLAB session for integration with IBM DOORS Next, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Example: previousVal = rmipref(OslcUseGlobalConfig=true)

Data Types: logical

Polarion project ID, specified as a string scalar or a character vector.

You must specify the Polarion project ID to enable navigation from the imported requirements in Requirements Toolbox to the requirements in the Polarion project when you export requirements from a Polarion project to a ReqIF file and import the ReqIF to Requirements Toolbox.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(PolarionProjectId="EmbeddedControllerSpec")

Data Types: char | string

Polarion server address, specified as a string scalar or a character vector. Include the protocol prefix and the port number.

You must specify the Polarion server address to enable navigation from the imported requirements in Requirements Toolbox to the requirements in the Polarion project when you export requirements from a Polarion project to a ReqIF file and import the ReqIF to Requirements Toolbox.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(PolarionServerAddress="")

Data Types: char | string

Preference to include additional information from external requirements documents in Model Traceability Reports, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When this preference is true, Requirements Toolbox includes additional information from these third-party applications:

  • Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft Excel


Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReportDocDetails=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to highlight model elements that have links in model screenshots in Model Traceability Reports, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, Requirements Toolbox highlights model objects that have links in screenshots of Simulink models in Model Traceability Reports.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReportHighlightSnapshots=0)

Data Types: logical

Preference to include link keywords in Model Traceability Reports, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, Model Traceability Reports include the keywords for each link. For more information about keywords, see Filter Requirements with User Keywords.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReportIncludeKeywords=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to enable navigation to linked items in MATLAB and Simulink from Model Traceability Reports, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, Model Traceability Reports contain hyperlinks to navigate to each link source and destination in MATLAB and Simulink. These links work only if the MATLAB internal HTTP server is active.


By default, Model Traceability Reports contain hyperlinks to navigate to linked requirements in third-party documents.

Data Types: logical

Preference to use the internal HTTP server for navigation hyperlinks in Model Traceability Reports, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, Requirements Toolbox uses the internal HTTP server when you use the report hyperlinks to navigate to the link source or destination.


Requirements Toolbox can only include the hyperlinks in the report if the internal HTTP server is active. To activate the server, use the rmi function:

rmi httpLink

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReportNavUseMatlab=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to list model objects with no requirement links in Model Traceability Reports, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, Model Traceability Reports contain a table of model elements that have no requirement links.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReportNoLinkItems=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to use document ID instead of document name in requirement links tables in Model Traceability Report, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to true, Model Traceability Reports use the document IDs defined in the traceability summary table instead of the requirement set or document names to identify link artifacts in requirement links tables.


If your requirement sets or documents have long names, you can use this preference to minimize the space that the names take up in tables in Model Traceability Reports.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReportUseDocIndex=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to use relative path for navigation from Model Traceability Report to external requirements documents, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to false, Requirements Toolbox uses absolute paths to navigate from Model Traceability Reports to external requirements documents.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReportUseRelativePath=0)

Data Types: logical

Preference to use stereotypes when importing requirements from ReqIF files, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). For more information, see Use Stereotypes when Importing from ReqIF Files.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReqIFImportUseProfile=true)

Data Types: logical

Directory for the custom import mapping files, specified as a string scalar or character vector. Specify the directory using a full file path. You can specify multiple directories by entering a semicolon-separated list.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReqIFMappingFilePath="C:/users/jdoe/MATLAB/mappings")

Example: previousVal = rmipref(ReqIFMappingFilePath="C:/users/jdoe/MATLAB/mappings;C/users/jdoe/downloads")

Data Types: char | string

Preference to include IBM DOORS selection link option in Requirements context menu, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to false, Requirements Toolbox hides the Link to Selection in DOORS item from the context menu that appears when you right-click a linkable item and select Requirements.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(SelectionLinkDoors=0)

Data Types: logical

Preference to include Microsoft Excel selection link option in Requirements context menu, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to false, Requirements Toolbox hides the Link to Selection in Excel item from the context menu that appears when you right-click a linkable item and select Requirements.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(SelectionLinkExcel=0)

Data Types: logical

Preference to add keywords to selection-based links that you create, specified as a string scalar or character vector that contains a comma-separated list of keywords. For more information about requirements filtering, see Filter Requirements with User Keywords.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(SelectionLinkKeyword="design")

Data Types: string | char

Preference to include Microsoft Word selection link option in Requirements context menu, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). When you set this preference to false, Requirements Toolbox hides the Link to Selection in Word item from the context menu that appears when you right-click a linkable item and select Requirements.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(SelectionLinkWord=0)

Data Types: logical

Preference to store links in external link set, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). By default, Requirements Toolbox stores outgoing links from models in a link set file in the same folder as the model file. When you set this preference to false, Requirements Toolbox stores outgoing links from the model in the model file. For more information, see Create and Store Links.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(StoreDataExternally=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to enable HTTP server for backlink navigation from third-party applications, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). Enable this preference to navigate to linked items in MATLAB or Simulink from backlinks in a third-party requirements application that use HTTP protocol.


Backlink navigation on the HTTPS server is enabled by default.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(UnsecureHttpRequests=true)

Data Types: logical

Preference to use ActiveX controls for backlinks in Microsoft Office requirements documents, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). For more information, see Configure Requirements Toolbox for Microsoft Office.

Example: previousVal = rmipref(UseActiveXButtons=true)

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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Current value of the preference specified by prefName. Preference names and their associated possible values are listed in Name-Value Arguments.

Previous value of the preference specified by prefName. Preference names and their associated possible values are listed in Name-Value Arguments.

Version History

Introduced in R2013a

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