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Use REST API calls to create and update ThingSpeak™ channels and charts

Representational state transfer (REST) is an architectural style designed as a request-response model that communicates over HTTP. ThingSpeak, an IoT platform, uses the REST API calls GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to create and delete channels, read and write channel data, and clear the data in a channel. A web browser or client sends a request to the server, which responds with data in the requested format. Web browsers use this interface to retrieve web pages or to send data to remote servers.

You can also use REST API calls with Act on Data which let you interact with social media, web services, and devices.

REST API Reference

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Read DataRead data from all fields in channel with HTTP GET
Read FieldRead data from single field of channel with HTTP GET
Read StatusRead status field of channel with HTTP GET
Read Last EntryRead last entry in channel with HTTP GET
Read Last Field EntryRead last entry in channel field with HTTP GET
Read Last StatusRead last status of channel with HTTP GET
Write DataUpdate channel data with HTTP GET or POST
Bulk Write JSON DataWrite many entries to channel in JSON format with single HTTP POST
Bulk Write CSV DataWrite many entries to channel in CSV format with single HTTP POST
Write ImageWrite channel image with HTTP POST
Delete ImageDelete image from channel with HTTP DELETE
Read Status of Image RequestRead status of image request with HTTP GET
List Your Public ChannelsList channels for username with HTTP GET
List Your ChannelsList your channels with HTTP GET
List ChannelsList public channels with HTTP GET
Read SettingsRead channel settings with HTTP GET
Write SettingsUpdate channel settings with HTTP PUT
Create ChannelCreate new channel with HTTP POST
Clear ChannelClear all data from channel with HTTP DELETE
Delete ChannelDelete channel with HTTP DELETE
Read Last Entry AgeRead number of seconds since last entry in channel with HTTP GET
Read Last Field Entry AgeRead number of seconds since last entry in field with HTTP GET
Create ChartGenerate chart with HTTP GET
Show Channel MapShow channel location on map
Add CommandAdd TalkBack command to TalkBack queue
Get CommandGet TalkBack command from TalkBack queue
Get All CommandsGet all TalkBack commands from TalkBack queue
Get Last CommandGet last executed TalkBack command from TalkBack queue
Update CommandUpdate command in TalkBack queue
Execute CommandExecute next TalkBack command in TalkBack queue
Write Data and Execute TalkBack CommandUpdate channel data with HTTP GET or POST and execute TalkBack command
Delete CommandDelete TalkBack command from TalkBack queue
Delete All CommandsDelete all TalkBack commands in TalkBack queue
Send AlertCreate email alert with HTTP POST
Get Alert HistoryGet alerts history with HTTP GET



Error Codes

See the details of ThingSpeak REST API error messages and corresponding HTTP status codes.

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