How to calculate the summation pixel counts seperately.

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi all, I have 146 slices images. That is dicom images. every pixel have their own counts (index number) like picture below. I used this below command to read it first.
%% Read main set data
clear all
[spect map]=dicomread('I131256x256 10N1.dcm');
info = dicominfo('I131256x256 10N1.dcm');
Then I used used command below to do some segmentation for the 4 sphere blob. The image binary as below.
%% NI KALAU VOLUME1 en amin prepapre 10:1
% BCKG 69 MAX 381 bckgratio=5.52
seedR1 = 110; seedC1 = 149; seedP2 = 88;
W1 = graydiffweight(spect, seedC1, seedR1, seedP2 , 'GrayDifferenceCutoff', 1000000);
thresh1 = 0.004478;
[BW1, D1] = imsegfmm(W1, seedC1, seedR1, seedP2, thresh1);
% figure, imshow3D(BW1)
T1 = regionprops('table', BW1,'Area','Centroid')
% NI KALAU VOLUME2 en amin prepapre 10:1
% BCKG 69 MAX 221 bckgratio=3.20
seedR2 = 134; seedC2 = 148; seedP2 = 88;
W2 = graydiffweight(spect, seedC2, seedR2, seedP2 , 'GrayDifferenceCutoff', 1000000);
thresh2 = 0.001437;
[BW2, D2] = imsegfmm(W2, seedC2, seedR2, seedP2, thresh2);
% figure, imshow3D(BW2)
T2 = regionprops('table', BW2,'Area','Centroid')
% NI KALAU VOLUME3 en amin prepapre 10:1
% BCKG 69 MAX 143 bckgratio=2.07
seedR3 = 146; seedC3 = 127; seedP3 = 88;
W3 = graydiffweight(spect, seedC3, seedR3, seedP3 , 'GrayDifferenceCutoff', 1000000);
thresh3 = 0.000326;
[BW3, D3] = imsegfmm(W3, seedC3, seedR3, seedP3, thresh3);
% figure, imshow3D(BW3)
T3 = regionprops('table', BW3,'Area','Centroid')
% NI KALAU VOLUME4 en amin prepapre 10:1
% BCKG 69 MAX 109 bckgratio=1.57
seedR4 = 134; seedC4 = 107; seedP4 = 88;
W4 = graydiffweight(spect, seedC4, seedR4, seedP4 , 'GrayDifferenceCutoff', 1000000);
thresh4 = 0.000092;
[BW4, D4] = imsegfmm(W4, seedC4, seedR4, seedP4, thresh4);
% figure, imshow3D(BW4)
T4 = regionprops('table', BW4,'Area','Centroid')
allBW = BW1 | BW2 | BW3 | BW4 ;
My problem is how to get the total counts for each blob?
I try this one but it summation of all counts pixel for all blob
>> totalcountseachblob = sum(spect(allBW==1))
totalcountseachblob =
Anyone can help me?

Accepted Answer

yanqi liu
yanqi liu on 13 Nov 2021
sir,may be use
save allBW.mat allBW
and upload this mat file, so we can do some code to analysis
yanqi liu
yanqi liu on 13 Nov 2021
clc; clear all; close all;
% fd = fullfile(pwd, 'bws');
% if ~exist(fd, 'dir')
% mkdir(fd);
% end
% for i = 1 : size(allBW,3)
% imwrite(allBW(:,:,i), fullfile(fd, sprintf('%03d.png', i)));
% end
%figure; imshow(mat2gray(allBW(:,:,89)),[]);
% get the total counts for each blob
base_bw = allBW(:,:,88);
[L,num] = bwlabel(base_bw);
allBW1 = []; allBW2 = []; allBW3 = []; allBW4 = [];
for i = 1 : size(allBW,3)
bwi = allBW(:,:,i);
for j = 1 : num
% for each blob
mask = base_bw; mask(L~=j) = 0;
bwij = bwselect(bwi, c, r);
switch j
case 1
allBW1(:,:,i) = bwij;
case 2
allBW2(:,:,i) = bwij;
case 3
allBW3(:,:,i) = bwij;
case 4
allBW4(:,:,i) = bwij;
% use for each blob
totalcountseachblob1 = sum(spect(allBW1==1))
totalcountseachblob2 = sum(spect(allBW2==1))
totalcountseachblob3 = sum(spect(allBW3==1))
totalcountseachblob4 = sum(spect(allBW4==1))
totalcountseachblob = totalcountseachblob1+totalcountseachblob2+totalcountseachblob3+totalcountseachblob4
totalcountseachblob1 =
totalcountseachblob2 =
totalcountseachblob3 =
totalcountseachblob4 =
totalcountseachblob =

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 13 Nov 2021
@mohd akmal masud you have the image of all 4 blobs, allBW, so to get the area of each one you simply need to do
totalcountseachblob = nnz(allBW);
That is the total number of pixels in the binary image. If you want the "integrated gray values" from the original gray scale image, you can use that as a mask
pixelValues = spect(allBW);
igv = sum(pixelValues);
Also you have the "total counts for each blob" if you just run regionprops() on your allBW image:
allT = regionprops('table', allBW,'Area','Centroid') % The individual areas of each blob in a table.
allAreas = allT.Area; % The individual areas of each blob in a double vector.




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