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Warning: Unable to interpret TeX string

3 views (last 30 days)
John on 15 Jan 2015
Answered: Star Strider on 15 Jan 2015
The error shows up when using this:
306 saveas(gcf,save_jpg);
Warning: Unable to interpret TeX string "M:\Data\D201412"
> In graphics\private\prepare at 44
In print>LocalPrint at 262
In print at 231
In saveas at 169
In analyze_data at 306
It works fine to save files into sub-folder "folder1/folder2/..." etc, But to access up folders "\" has to be used, such as:
foldername = "M:\Data\D201412";
This appears.

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 15 Jan 2015
The backslant (\) character is a control character in TeX. If you want to have it display correctly, you need to use the double-backslant (\\) to display a single backslant correctly.
scatter(rand(50,1), rand(50,1), '+')
The double-quote (") could be a problem as well. If you want to include those, you have to enclose them as part of the string, in single quotes:


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