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Scatter plot with strings on x axis

13 views (last 30 days)
Roja Eliza
Roja Eliza on 23 May 2022
Commented: Voss on 2 Jun 2022
I want to plot a scatter plot with sampling sites on x axis like S1, s2 names and on y axis I want to plot concentration of various metals. Also I want to divide the plot into sections as in the figure. If I am using xline command then it is plotting a line on the sampling sites but I want the dividing line to be between s2and S3.for example here in the picture the dividing line is between j5 and ju1 Can anyone help?

Accepted Answer

Voss on 23 May 2022
Edited: Voss on 23 May 2022
sites = compose("%s%d",["J" "Ju" "P" "R" "S" "W"].',1:5).';
sites = sites(:);
sites([12 14]) = [];
n_sites_per_group = [5 5 3 5 5 5];
elements = ["Cr" "Ni" "Cu" "Zn" "Cd" "Pb"];
n_sites = numel(sites);
n_elements = numel(elements);
data = 1.25*randn(n_sites,n_elements)-2; % random data
colors = [ ...
0 0 1; ...
0 0.6 0; ...
1 0 0; ...
0.6 0.6 0; ...
0.6 0.6 0.6; ...
0.6 0.6 0];
markers = 'osd^+*';
hold on
lines = zeros(1,n_elements);
for ii = 1:n_elements
lines(ii) = line(1:n_sites,data(:,ii), ...
'LineStyle','none', ...
'Marker',markers(ii), ...
'Color',colors(ii,:), ...
'MarkerFaceColor',colors(ii,:), ...
x_edges = [0 0.5+cumsum(n_sites_per_group(1:end-1)) n_sites+1]
x_edges = 1×7
0 5.5000 10.5000 13.5000 18.5000 23.5000 29.0000
xline(x_edges(2:end-1),'Color',[0.4 0.4 0.4]);
text((x_edges(1:end-1)+x_edges(2:end))/2,5.8*ones(1,numel(n_sites_per_group)), ...
["Jezewo" "Jutrosin" "Pakoslaw" "Rydzyna" "Sroda" "Wrzesnia"], ...
'VerticalAlignment','top', ...
'HorizontalAlignment','center', ...
'FontWeight','bold', ...
xlim(x_edges([1 end]));
ylim([-8 6]);
xlabel('Sampling site','FontWeight','bold');
set(gca(), ...
'Layer','top', ...
'Box','on', ...
'XTick',1:n_sites, ...
'XTickLabels',sites, ...
'TickLength',[0.005 0.005]);
y = (5:-1:0)+[0; 1; 1; 0];
x = repmat([0; 0; n_sites+[1; 1]],1,6);
c = repmat(linspace(0.5,0.95,6).',1,3);
p = patch( ...
'XData',x, ...
'YData',y, ...
'FaceColor','flat', ...
'FaceVertexCData',c, ...
ch = get(gca(),'Children');
set(gca(),'Children',[ch(ch ~= p); p]);
Roja Eliza
Roja Eliza on 2 Jun 2022
Edited: Roja Eliza on 2 Jun 2022
I have 14 elements and my y values range between 1 to 30,000 (like 1.6, 290,13000 these kind). I cann't seem to get the code right. whenever I change the value the patch dissapers. I want to set the Y values in logarithmically increasing value
Voss on 2 Jun 2022
@Roja Eliza Please start a new question explaining the situation, and include your code.

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More Answers (1)

dpb on 23 May 2022
<scatter> can take a categorical variable as an x variable in which case you can get the text labels automagically -- however, the x-axis then will be categorical and have only integral values of those categories that can be plotted on it.
Your options are to either use a numeric category number for x and the set the tick labels as wanted with <xticklabels> which lets you write any string desired at any tick.
You can then draw the vertical lines at any x value you wish between the integral tick values.

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