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How can I change the color between the two circles?
Change the third argument to the first fill() call. Example: % Parameters for the inner and outer circles radius_inner = 1; ...

3 days ago | 0

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Adjust Position of text in a png file created using uicontrol
As explained in the documentation for uicontrol properties, when Units is 'characters', Character width = width of the letter ...

3 days ago | 0

Constructing a string with several index requirements
r2 = [0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210]; command = sprintf('ScanArray(0)(%d)=%g',[0:numel(r2)-1; r2]) The %g is to handle cases wh...

3 days ago | 2

I need to combine two channels of cell arrays into a single matrix for processing. The two channels should be the same size but in some cases not - how can I change the size?
Assuming that channelData is a 2-element cell array, that channelData{1} and channelData{2} are both column vectors, and you wan...

5 days ago | 0

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Problem Using Nested For Loops
No loops required: X = [1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 8 9 10; 11 12 13 14 15; 16 17 18 19 20] V = [-10; 20; -10; 20] X = X...

5 days ago | 2

Format printing problem with doubles printing in rows when I am looking for columns.
fprintf prints the values in the order you supply them; in this case that means all elements of radius are printed then all elem...

7 days ago | 0

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Re-index a vector based on the indices of another vector
[ism,idx] = ismember(B,A(:,[1 2 3]),'rows'); assert(all(ism)) B_new = [B A(idx,4)];

10 days ago | 0

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Zero pad using piecewise.
"I need ... that all values of V that are above 0 are set to 0." V(V > 0) = 0; or V = min(V,0);

11 days ago | 0

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Length command giving rise to array indices must be positive integers or logical values error
The code creates a variable called "length" when this line executes: length(1)=Cr_atoms(i,1)+dx*a; % Angstroms Any subsequent ...

11 days ago | 1

readtable produces apparent gibberish when reading csv file
Looks like readtable decides the delimiter for a.csv is '_' (underscore). I don't know why. opts = detectImportOptions('a.csv')...

11 days ago | 1

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Use vpasolve to solve iterations of the same function when the number of iterations is N
One way is to define a function that takes F, N, and z as arguments and iterates N times to construct F(F(...F(z)...))-z. Then c...

11 days ago | 0

I am trying to generate code for plotting anti fractals and getting error
Picking z0=c instead of z0=0, correcting the definition of R_base to have 2/theta instead of 2*theta, decreasing the max number ...

12 days ago | 0

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I am taking two excel files with similar x value data and want to plot the y values of one of the plots with different colors based on if the second file reads 0 or 1.
warning off all unzip('') unzip('') data1 = readtable('Data1.csv'); data2 = readtable('Data2.csv'); g...

12 days ago | 0

is it possible to mark significance levels using heatmap?
As far as I know, there is no built-in option to conditionally alter the heatmap data labels, but what you can do is create a he...

12 days ago | 2

readmatrix collapses blanks/NaNs, but I want to keep those empty cells
Use 'EmptyLineRule','read' to keep the lines that are all-NaN. Using only that option, all sample files are read correctly: ful...

13 days ago | 0

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How to remove some xticklabels (but still keeping all the xticks)?
x = 1:100; y = exp(-0.1*x); plot(x,y) ax = gca; ax.XTick = 0:10:100; ax.XTickLabels(1:4) = {''};

13 days ago | 1

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Suppressing braces and single quotes of a string matrix
C = { ... ['V1 = 1.01' char(8736) '0' char(176) ' pu']; ... ['V2 = 0.92675' char(8736) '-5.7691' char(176) ' pu']; ......

17 days ago | 0

Why does pcolor adds a flat lines during a data gap instead of white space?
load FPDO.mat load E_log.mat load T_.mat T_ = T_lepi; The problem is that T_ and E_log are not monotonic: figure subplot(2...

17 days ago | 0

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How to plot the continuous linear graph of y(n) + y(n-1) + ... + y(1)
y = [2 -1 1 2 -1 -2 -1 2 3 -2 1]; plot(0:numel(y)-1,cumsum(y),'.-')

17 days ago | 0

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How do I convert a symbolic expression to a string?
Here are a couple of options: syms x % the arbitrary expressions phi_1 = x; phi_2 = x^2; % example plot example = [1:1...

18 days ago | 1

Boxplot divided by color with combined labels
I gather that you want to have the boxes filled as in Alternative 1 and the x-ticks and labels as in Alternative 2. See if usin...

19 days ago | 1

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How to put a colorbar between the columns in tiledlayout?
One solution is to use nested tiledlayouts; in this case a 1x2 tiledlayout containing two 3x1 tiledlayouts. figSlices = figure(...

19 days ago | 0

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How do I add space between any specific word in string
str = 'double function_name(double name1, float name2, double name3)' newstr = strtrim(strrep(regexprep(str,'([\(\),])',' $1 ')...

21 days ago | 0

Help organizing legend for bar graph
str is a column vector, so use semicolons (instead of commas) to append new elements str = [str;"went to patch 1 and found food...

21 days ago | 0

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How to choose 60 unique coordinates ('A') from 600 coordinates('B'), nearest to 60 other coordinates('C')
C = rand(60,2); B = rand(600,2); [~,idx] = min(sum((permute(C,[1 3 2])-permute(B,[3 1 2])).^2,3),[],2); A = B(idx,:); fi...

21 days ago | 0

I am unable to successfully pass data in a multiwindow app. Can someone help me understand where I am going wrong?
See if the attached updated mlapp files work the way you intend and the code makes sense.

24 days ago | 0

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Changing the colours in heatmap for specific ranges in values
Here's one way: xvalues = {'0 cm','1 cm','5 cm','10 cm','15 cm','20 cm','24 cm','25.3 cm'}; yvalues = {'30 mm','25 mm','20 mm'...

25 days ago | 0

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Use specific variable from index to plot answer of equation
If you want to calculate delta_rfO for all combinations of the specified values of T, Q, and Beta, you can permute (or transpose...

26 days ago | 0

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Why do I receive error "Not enough input Argument"? Error in CreatePoints (line 7) plotPoints = linspace(lowValue, highValue, 5);
You need to provide inputs to the function when you run it, i.e., you cannot just click on the green Run button because that doe...

27 days ago | 1

Help with 6.1.1: Array resizing: Removing elements. in Zybook
pendingTasks is passed as input to the RemoveTasks function, so you shouldn't redefine pendingTasks inside the function. That i...

27 days ago | 1

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