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Seeking help to list all Yticks

3 views (last 30 days)
I have created a file with Python containing all the metadata of my music collection. I am trying to graph my music in hours by Genre using a Pareto chart, which seems to be working but I have not been able to figure out how to show all Genres (YTicks).
% Load the table
data = readtable('My_Music.csv');
% Convert the Song_Time column to hours
data.Song_Time = data.Song_Time / 3600;
% Create a grouped table by Genre and sum the Song_Time for each Genre
groupedData = varfun(@sum, data, 'GroupingVariables', 'Genre', 'InputVariables', 'Song_Time', 'OutputFormat', 'table');
% groupedData.Properties.VariableNames{'GroupingVariables'} = 'Genre';
% Sort the table by descending order of total time
groupedData = sortrows(groupedData,2);
% Calculate cumulative percentage
total = groupedData.sum_Song_Time / sum(groupedData.sum_Song_Time) * 100;
cumulative_percent = cumsum(total);
% Create horizontal bar chart
hold on;
Error using yticks
Invalid tick values. To set tick labels use yticklabels.
set(gca,'yticklabel', groupedData.sum_Song_Time);
xlabel('Total Time (Hours)');
title('Pareto chart of total time by Genre');
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Apr 2023
You forgot to attach 'D:\Music\My_Music.csv'.
Why are all genres not showing in the y tick labels? Which ones are missing?
If you have any more questions, then attach your data and code to read it in with the paperclip icon after you read this:
Maria Baeza
Maria Baeza on 17 Apr 2023
Almost all of the genres are missing.
I have now attached the csv file as requested.

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Accepted Answer

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 17 Apr 2023
You need to set yticks first, then assign a label for each tick.
Something like this (updated code a little).
data = readtable('My_Music.csv');
sumTbl = groupsummary(data,"Genre","sum","Song_Time");
sumTbl = sortrows(sumTbl,"sum_Song_Time")
sumTbl = 29×3 table
Genre GroupCount sum_Song_Time _______________________ __________ _____________ {0×0 char } 1 271 {'Comedy' } 8 1602 {'Salsa' } 12 3397 {'Patriotic' } 14 3436 {'Soundtrack' } 19 5265 {'Celtic' } 33 7173 {'Zydeco' } 33 7293 {'Hawaiian' } 35 8049 {'World' } 46 9575 {'Classical' } 43 10956 {'Punk' } 50 17874 {'Funk' } 78 23341 {'Disco & Dance Music'} 88 23557 {'Latin' } 112 26216 {'Folk' } 107 26841 {'Jazz' } 226 69074

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