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Top left cell in uitable

6 views (last 30 days)
Abhishek on 13 Jun 2023
Answered: Anush on 13 Jun 2023
I need to acess the top left cell in UI table to add a text to make the table look good. How can this be done ?

Answers (1)

Anush on 13 Jun 2023
Hi Abhishek,
There doesn't seem to be a direct way to achieve it. However, you can make use of 'Labels' to do the task. Following is one of the ways to add text to the top left cell:
fig = uifigure;
uit = uitable(fig,"Data",randi(100,10,3));
labelText = "Array";
label = uilabel(fig, 'Text', labelText);
label.FontSize = 14;
label.Position = [23 297 200 20];
Hope this helps.


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