How to multiply all the pixel number of each slice with their own rescale slope(dicominfo) in each slice

2 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
I have the file as attached. the format is dicom (.dcm)
How to multiply all the pixel number of each slice with their own rescale slope(in dicominfo) in each slice?
**that means each slice have their own rescale slope value.
so that the new pixel value will come out when I view this images.
mohd akmal masud
mohd akmal masud on 27 Jun 2023
I'm, not sure that sir. That I guess
If just only one rescale slope for all slices, then how to multiply all the pixel number of each slice with rescale slope(in dicominfo)?

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Accepted Answer

Rik on 27 Jun 2023
In general you should remember to include the intercept as well, although apparently that is 0 for this dataset.
IM = dicomread('jaszakspect.dcm');
ans = 1×4
64 64 1 64
info = dicominfo('jaszakspect.dcm');
[min(IM(:)) max(IM(:))]
ans = 1×2
0 32767
IM = double(IM)*info.RescaleSlope + info.RescaleIntercept;
[min(IM(:)) max(IM(:))]
ans = 1×2
0 0.0029

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