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How to find time of rising and falling edges

46 views (last 30 days)
Can someone help me find the time at wich the rising and falling edge are detectected in simulink. My end gold is to calculate the pulse width, pulse repetiton interval, time of arrival, and time of delay. help would be much appreciated. I am generating the pulse signal with in my model

Answers (2)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 17 Nov 2023
see file attached , this is a good starting point
here we want to measure (in samples) the time difference (period) between the rising edge and falling edge of a chirp signal
the model runs a fixed time step (Fs = 10^5)
Jose Montano Vazquez
Jose Montano Vazquez on 18 Nov 2023
This is what I am implementing to obtain risng and falling edges, is there a way where I can obtain the time at which each on of them. Thank you

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Bharath Venkataraman
Bharath Venkataraman on 28 Nov 2023
You could use the Logic Analyzer capability (or the Simulink Scope block) to view the signal and see where teh rising and falling edges happen.

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