heatmap help - how to display grouped data across 3 levels (LO, MED, HI) ?
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How can I show 3 levels in a heatmap (LO MED, HI) and not just two (FALSE, TRUE for example) across n=4 GROUPS for a single outcome variable (continuous variable)? And is it possbile to (also) show % of total for the OUTCOME variable by GROUP? and not just mean or median.
Here is some working code and a dataset, but displays only two levels (LO, HI) for each GROUP:
load CHRX.mat % loads as CH = Chelsea; RX = Roxbury
P = prctile(CH.VLFN, 75);
isVHI = CH.VLFN>=P==1;
VHI = isVHI; % this is the HIGH level
P1 = prctile(CH.VLFN, 25);
isVLO = CH.VLFN<=P1==1;
VLO = isVLO; % thius is the LOW level
isIQR = ~VHI&~VLO==1;
IQR = isIQR; % this is the MEDIUM level
CH1 = addvars(CH, VLO); CH2 = addvars(CH1 ,IQR); CH3 = addvars(CH2, VHI)
% note: ImpactWind is the GROUP categorical variable (n=4)
% note: UFPConc is the OUTCOME, continuous variable or ColorVariable
format shortG
data = CH3; % Chelsea
h = heatmap(data,'ImpactWind','VHI','ColorVariable','UFPConc')
h.YDisplayLabels = {'LO','HI'}
Accepted Answer
on 10 Jan 2024
You can make a variable that has three distinct values, say 0 for LO, 1 for MEDIUM, and 2 for HI, which can be constructed as follows:
level = 2*VHI + IQR;
and then add that variable to your table and create the heatmap based on that.
load CHRX.mat % loads as CH = Chelsea; RX = Roxbury
VHI = CH.VLFN >= prctile(CH.VLFN, 75); % this is the HIGH level
VLO = CH.VLFN <= prctile(CH.VLFN, 25); % this is the LOW level
IQR = ~VHI & ~VLO; % this is the MEDIUM level
level = VHI*2+IQR;
CH = addvars(CH,level);
% note: ImpactWind is the GROUP categorical variable (n=4)
% note: UFPConc is the OUTCOME, continuous variable or ColorVariable
format shortG
data = CH; % Chelsea
h = heatmap(data,'ImpactWind','level','ColorVariable','UFPConc');
h.YDisplayLabels = {'LO','MED','HI'};
More Answers (1)
William Rose
on 10 Jan 2024
Make a single variable Vstat with three categories: LOW, MED, HIGH, rather than three separate variables.
load CHRX.mat % loads as CH = Chelsea; RX = Roxbury
Phi = prctile(CH.VLFN, 75);
Plo = prctile(CH.VLFN, 25);
[Vstat{1:height(CH),1}]=deal('MED'); % initialize Vstat
for i=1:height(CH)
if CH.VLFN(i)<Plo, Vstat{i}='LOW';
elseif CH.VLFN(i)>Phi, Vstat{i}='HIGH';
data=addvars(CH,Vstat); % Chelsea
% note: ImpactWind is the GROUP categorical variable (n=4)
% note: UFPConc is the OUTCOME, continuous variable or ColorVariable
format shortG
h = heatmap(data,'ImpactWind','Vstat','ColorVariable','UFPConc');
h.YDisplayLabels = {'HIGH','MED','LOW'};
There's probably a more elegant way to do it than the for loop I use below, but my way seems to work. Good luck.
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