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Extracting tables within a cell.
5 views (last 30 days)
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Any suggestions or direction would be of great help.
In the attached code I am processing multiple files and each file has certain parameters and its respective values.
1) When I try to concatinate these values there are being stored as cells within a table and when try to run a loop to extract these elements and have them written out the loop isn't going past the first cell and only retriving it data.
2) I would want to have space of column between each files data. For Instance: First File produces 80X2 (Row,Col) data, I would like to know how to have space of a Column or two before Second File data is comprised.
Have tried Cell Function, For loop on the Cell itself but Brace Indexing it wouldn't work. now with this loop it is not moving forward.
Have attached a Few Sample files in txt format and Script.
I have updated the code and with the new for loop I am able to extract the first file but it doesn't go past that.
Thank You
[filelist,pathn] = uigetfile('*.txt','Please Select a Par Files', 'multiselect', 'on');
if isnumeric(filelist); error('no file selected');
filelist = cellstr(filelist);
%This take care of case where a single file is selected
filelist = fullfile(pathn, filelist);
for K = 1 : length(filelist)
filename = filelist{K};
Cal_Rev = extract(filelist,digitsPattern(5,8));
Data_in = readtable(filename, 'Delimiter',{',',';',' '});
Par_File_Parameters = Data_in.Var1(:);
Parameter_List = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\Parameter List.txt');
[C,ia,ib] = intersect(Par_File_Parameters,Parameter_List);
Common_PG = Data_in(ia,:);
PG_Name = Common_PG.Var1;
PG_Values = Common_PG.Var8;
TF_Economy = endsWith(PG_Name,'_00');
TF_Standard = endsWith(PG_Name,'_01');
TF_Performance = endsWith(PG_Name,'_02');
TF_Tanker = endsWith(PG_Name,'_03');
TF_Off_Road = endsWith(PG_Name,'_04');
TF_Economy_Table = Common_PG(TF_Economy,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Standard_Table = Common_PG(TF_Standard,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Performance_Table = Common_PG(TF_Performance,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Tanker_Table = Common_PG(TF_Tanker,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Off_Road_Table = Common_PG(TF_Off_Road,["Var1","Var8"]);
Complete_Table{K} = vertcat(TF_Economy_Table,TF_Standard_Table,TF_Performance_Table,TF_Tanker_Table,TF_Off_Road_Table);
for i = 1:length(Complete_Table)
New_Table = cell2table(Complete_Table{i}(:,:));
Sai Gudlur
on 24 Feb 2024
Sorry about that it wasn't letting add files onto my questions so added my response to you.
Accepted Answer
on 25 Feb 2024
"I would want to have space of column between each files data"
See my additions at the end of the loop below for how you can do that.
(I also made modifications to get the code to run properly here in Answers, including replacing uigetfile and modifying the location of the parameter text file. You can ignore those changes, of course.)
% construct filelist from the relevant text files in the current directory,
% since I can't use uigetfile in the MATLAB Answers environment:
pathn = '.';
files = dir(fullfile(pathn,'*Dev*.txt'));
filelist = {};
filelist = fullfile(pathn, filelist);
for K = 1 : length(filelist)
filename = filelist{K};
% Cal_Rev = extract(filelist,digitsPattern(5,8)); % Cal_Rev is unused
Data_in = readtable(filename, 'Delimiter',{',',';',' '});
Par_File_Parameters = Data_in.Var1(:);
% Parameter_List = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\Parameter List.txt');
Parameter_List = importdata('Parameter List.txt');
[C,ia,ib] = intersect(Par_File_Parameters,Parameter_List);
Common_PG = Data_in(ia,:);
PG_Name = Common_PG.Var1;
PG_Values = Common_PG.Var8;
TF_Economy = endsWith(PG_Name,'_00');
TF_Standard = endsWith(PG_Name,'_01');
TF_Performance = endsWith(PG_Name,'_02');
TF_Tanker = endsWith(PG_Name,'_03');
TF_Off_Road = endsWith(PG_Name,'_04');
TF_Economy_Table = Common_PG(TF_Economy,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Standard_Table = Common_PG(TF_Standard,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Performance_Table = Common_PG(TF_Performance,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Tanker_Table = Common_PG(TF_Tanker,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Off_Road_Table = Common_PG(TF_Off_Road,["Var1","Var8"]);
Complete_Table{K} = vertcat(TF_Economy_Table,TF_Standard_Table,TF_Performance_Table,TF_Tanker_Table,TF_Off_Road_Table);
% add a column of NaNs on the end (for a column of space when concatenating):
Complete_Table{K}{:,end+1} = NaN;
% make unique column names (names in all tables must be distinct before concatenating):
Complete_Table{K}.Properties.VariableNames = sprintf("Var%d_",K) + compose("%d",1:size(Complete_Table{K},2));
% concatenate:
New_Table = [Complete_Table{:}]
New_Table = 80×9 table
Var1_1 Var1_2 Var1_3 Var2_1 Var2_2 Var2_3 Var3_1 Var3_2 Var3_3
____________________________________________ ______ ______ ____________________________________________ ______ ______ ____________________________________________ ______ ______
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725 NaN
{'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725 NaN {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725 NaN
Sai Gudlur
on 25 Feb 2024
Thank you Voss this is perfect.
I also read the best we can do is have NaN in the column as it would not let us have Empty cells.
Sai Gudlur
on 28 Feb 2024
@Voss, Thank you to begin with from your help in my last script.
[filelist,pathn] = uigetfile('*.txt','Please Select a Par Files', 'multiselect', 'on');
if isnumeric(filelist); error('no file selected');
filelist = cellstr(filelist);
% This take care of case where a single file is selected
filelist = fullfile(pathn, filelist);
for K = 1 : length(filelist)
filename = filelist{K};
File_Details = importdata(filename);
Cal_Rev = extract(File_Details.textdata{1,1},digitsPattern(5,8));
% Version = extract(File_Details.textdata{1,1},'');
Data_in = readtable(filename, 'Delimiter',{',',';',' '});
Par_File_Parameters = Data_in.Var1(:);
Parameter_List = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\Parameter List.txt');
GPP_Names = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\GPP_NAME.txt');
[C,ia,ib] = intersect(Par_File_Parameters,Parameter_List);
Common_PG = Data_in(ia,:);
PG_Name = Common_PG.Var1;
PG_Values = Common_PG.Var8;
TF_Economy = endsWith(PG_Name,'_00');
TF_Standard = endsWith(PG_Name,'_01');
TF_Performance = endsWith(PG_Name,'_02');
TF_Tanker = endsWith(PG_Name,'_03');
TF_Off_Road = endsWith(PG_Name,'_04');
TF_Economy_Table = Common_PG(TF_Economy,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Standard_Table = Common_PG(TF_Standard,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Performance_Table = Common_PG(TF_Performance,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Tanker_Table = Common_PG(TF_Tanker,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Off_Road_Table = Common_PG(TF_Off_Road,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Economy_Table = addvars(TF_Economy_Table,GPP_Names,'Before',"Var1");
TF_Standard_Table = addvars(TF_Standard_Table,GPP_Names,'Before',"Var1");
TF_Performance_Table = addvars(TF_Performance_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
TF_Tanker_Table = addvars(TF_Tanker_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
TF_Off_Road_Table = addvars(TF_Off_Road_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
Complete_Table{K} = vertcat(TF_Economy_Table,TF_Standard_Table,TF_Performance_Table,TF_Tanker_Table,TF_Off_Road_Table);
% Complete_Table{K} = [Cal_Rev;Complete_Table];
% make unique column names (names in all tables must be distinct before concatenating):
Complete_Table{K}.Properties.VariableNames = sprintf("Var%d_",K) + compose("%d",1:size(Complete_Table{K},2));
New_Table = [Complete_Table{:}];
I have two more queriers assosiated with the above code you have helped me with.
You would see I am using importdata and readtable both as a command as together for following reasons:
i) When I used just importdata with multiple delimiters it wouldn't work and MATLAB suggests to use read table.
ii) In Readtable i am unable to read the text data within the file.
Using Importdata and then going to Textdata in that I am extracting some info which I would want after the Vars and Before the Data or I could use them as Titile for each of the file it is associated with but title may not be possible. So this
1) As you see above the data when is spit into table's from its respective files, I do not know which file it is associated with in Order to know that I have another variable in the Code as "Cal_Rev". It would have the same number of Cells as the number of files I select. Could I have this Cal_Rev be in first Row under Var%d_ as "SW Label - Cal_Rev{k}. Right now it is only
2) Variable Version is commented as I am unable to extract the digits after underscore. THis is also in the same String when Cal_Rev is extracted from .
Example: Revision Description=Base Revision: 5516076_dev_PACCAR_X15_2020_2021_Efficiency_Series_ModeAB_12Spd_C3_1
I would like to extract the last digit 1 in the above example add 1 to it and print version two.
Sample Output:
Var1 Var 2 Var 3
SW Label: Cal_Rav{K}
Version : x + 1 (Since the x can be 1 to Inf)
It would be of Great Help if you give me a direction. Thank you once again
on 28 Feb 2024
I've made modifications extract the Version number, and include that and Cal_Rev in the VariableNames of the tables. I think it makes sense to put them there (and since you mentioned table Title would be preferable), rather than in the first two rows of data in the table. But if you really want them to be in with the table data, that can be done.
Since the Cal_Rev number is the same for all files, I needed to include something else to make the VariableNames unique amongst all the tables so that they can be horizontally concatenated together; that's why the (1), (2), (3) at the beginning of each table variable name are there.
You can play with the way the names are constructed to get them as you like. Let me know if they need further adjustments that you're not sure how to do.
% [filelist,pathn] = uigetfile('*.txt','Please Select a Par Files', 'multiselect', 'on');
% if isnumeric(filelist); error('no file selected');
% end
% filelist = cellstr(filelist);
% This take care of case where a single file is selected
pathn = '.';
files = dir(fullfile(pathn,'*Dev*.txt'));
filelist = {};
filelist = fullfile(pathn, filelist);
N = numel(filelist);
Cal_Rev = cell(1,N); % pre-allocate Cal_Rev
for K = 1:N
filename = filelist{K};
File_Details = importdata(filename);
Cal_Rev(K) = extract(File_Details.textdata{1,1},digitsPattern(5,8));
% extract digits after the underscore at the end of textdata{1}:
Version = regexp(File_Details.textdata{1},'_(\d+)$','tokens','once');
Version = 1+str2double(Version{1});
Data_in = readtable(filename, 'Delimiter',{',',';',' '});
Par_File_Parameters = Data_in.Var1(:);
% Parameter_List = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\Parameter List.txt');
% GPP_Names = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\GPP_NAME.txt');
Parameter_List = importdata('Parameter List.txt');
GPP_Names = importdata('GPP_NAME.txt');
[C,ia,ib] = intersect(Par_File_Parameters,Parameter_List);
Common_PG = Data_in(ia,:);
PG_Name = Common_PG.Var1;
PG_Values = Common_PG.Var8;
TF_Economy = endsWith(PG_Name,'_00');
TF_Standard = endsWith(PG_Name,'_01');
TF_Performance = endsWith(PG_Name,'_02');
TF_Tanker = endsWith(PG_Name,'_03');
TF_Off_Road = endsWith(PG_Name,'_04');
TF_Economy_Table = Common_PG(TF_Economy,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Standard_Table = Common_PG(TF_Standard,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Performance_Table = Common_PG(TF_Performance,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Tanker_Table = Common_PG(TF_Tanker,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Off_Road_Table = Common_PG(TF_Off_Road,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Economy_Table = addvars(TF_Economy_Table,GPP_Names,'Before',"Var1");
TF_Standard_Table = addvars(TF_Standard_Table,GPP_Names,'Before',"Var1");
TF_Performance_Table = addvars(TF_Performance_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
TF_Tanker_Table = addvars(TF_Tanker_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
TF_Off_Road_Table = addvars(TF_Off_Road_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
Complete_Table{K} = vertcat(TF_Economy_Table,TF_Standard_Table,TF_Performance_Table,TF_Tanker_Table,TF_Off_Road_Table);
% make unique column names
vars = Complete_Table{K}.Properties.VariableNames;
vars = strcat({sprintf('(%d) %s - %s (Ver %d): ',K,'SW Label',Cal_Rev{K},Version)},vars);
Complete_Table{K}.Properties.VariableNames = vars;
New_Table = [Complete_Table{:}];
(1) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): GPP_Names (1) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): Var1 (1) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): Var8 (2) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): GPP_Names (2) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): Var1 (2) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): Var8 (3) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): GPP_Names (3) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): Var1 (3) SW Label - 5516076 (Ver 2): Var8
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1085 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1175
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_01' } 975 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1050 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_01' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_01' } 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_01' } 1050
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_01' } 1225 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_01' } 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_01' } 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_01'} 850 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_01'} 925 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_01'} 925
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_01' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_01' } 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_01' } 1325
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1550 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1600 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1625
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1500 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1800 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1525 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1700 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1725
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_01' } 1325 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_01' } 1350 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_01' } 1225
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_01' } 1350 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_01' } 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_01' } 1450
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_01' } 1350 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_01' } 1450 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_01' } 1500
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_01' } 1700 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_01' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_01' } 1950
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_01' } 1750 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_01' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_01' } 1950
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_01' } 1800 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_01' } 1925 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_01' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1250
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1150 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1150
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1300 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1300
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_02' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_02' } 1050 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_02' } 1050
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_02' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_02' } 1225 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_02' } 1250
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_02'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_02'} 975 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_02'} 975
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_02' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_02' } 1500 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_02' } 1475
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1675 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1800
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1850 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_02' } 2000
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1800 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1950
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_02' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_02' } 1350 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_02' } 1350
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_02' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_02' } 1550 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_02' } 1475
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_02' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_02' } 1500 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_02' } 1625
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_02' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_02' } 1975 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_02' } 1975
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_02' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_02' } 1975 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_02' } 1975
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_02' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_02' } 1975 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_02' } 1975
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1150 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1175
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_03' } 975 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_03' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_03' } 900 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_03' } 1050
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_03' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_03' } 1150 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_03' } 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_03'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_03'} 925 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_03'} 925
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_03' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_03' } 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_03' } 1325
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1650 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1650
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1800 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1850
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1700 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1750
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_03' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_03' } 1500 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_03' } 1400
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_03' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_03' } 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_03' } 1500
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_03' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_03' } 1400 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_03' } 1525
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_03' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_03' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_03' } 1825
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_03' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_03' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_03' } 1875
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_03' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_03' } 1925 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_03' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1175 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1175
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1025 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1025 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1025
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1075 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_04' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_04' } 850 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_04' } 850
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_04' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_04' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_04' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_04'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_04'} 1050 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_04'} 1050
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_04' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_04' } 1300 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_04' } 1300
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1725 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1725
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1950 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1850 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1850
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_04' } 1525 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_04' } 1700 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_04' } 1700
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_04' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_04' } 1650 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_04' } 1650
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_04' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_04' } 1600 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_04' } 1600
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_04' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_04' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_04' } 1925
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_04' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_04' } 1900 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_04' } 1900
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_04' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_04' } 1900 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_04' } 1900
Sai Gudlur
on 28 Feb 2024
This is Great. Thanks a lot. Could you also mention what change do I make to have em put in the First & Second row and then have data follow.
on 28 Feb 2024
The trickiness there is that you can't mix data types within a table column. It works OK in this case because the first column of each table is a cell array, but if it was numeric you'd have to convert it to text first or put the version/Cal_Rev info in another column that is text or a cell array.
% [filelist,pathn] = uigetfile('*.txt','Please Select a Par Files', 'multiselect', 'on');
% if isnumeric(filelist); error('no file selected');
% end
% filelist = cellstr(filelist);
% This take care of case where a single file is selected
pathn = '.';
files = dir(fullfile(pathn,'*Dev*.txt'));
filelist = {};
filelist = fullfile(pathn, filelist);
N = numel(filelist);
Cal_Rev = cell(1,N); % pre-allocate Cal_Rev
for K = 1:N
filename = filelist{K};
File_Details = importdata(filename);
Cal_Rev(K) = extract(File_Details.textdata{1,1},digitsPattern(5,8));
% extract digits after the underscore at the end of textdata{1}:
Version = regexp(File_Details.textdata{1},'_(\d+)$','tokens','once');
Version = 1+str2double(Version{1});
Data_in = readtable(filename, 'Delimiter',{',',';',' '});
Par_File_Parameters = Data_in.Var1(:);
% Parameter_List = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\Parameter List.txt');
% GPP_Names = importdata('D:\GPP\GPP_Stuff\GPP_NAME.txt');
Parameter_List = importdata('Parameter List.txt');
GPP_Names = importdata('GPP_NAME.txt');
[C,ia,ib] = intersect(Par_File_Parameters,Parameter_List);
Common_PG = Data_in(ia,:);
PG_Name = Common_PG.Var1;
PG_Values = Common_PG.Var8;
TF_Economy = endsWith(PG_Name,'_00');
TF_Standard = endsWith(PG_Name,'_01');
TF_Performance = endsWith(PG_Name,'_02');
TF_Tanker = endsWith(PG_Name,'_03');
TF_Off_Road = endsWith(PG_Name,'_04');
TF_Economy_Table = Common_PG(TF_Economy,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Standard_Table = Common_PG(TF_Standard,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Performance_Table = Common_PG(TF_Performance,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Tanker_Table = Common_PG(TF_Tanker,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Off_Road_Table = Common_PG(TF_Off_Road,["Var1","Var8"]);
TF_Economy_Table = addvars(TF_Economy_Table,GPP_Names,'Before',"Var1");
TF_Standard_Table = addvars(TF_Standard_Table,GPP_Names,'Before',"Var1");
TF_Performance_Table = addvars(TF_Performance_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
TF_Tanker_Table = addvars(TF_Tanker_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
TF_Off_Road_Table = addvars(TF_Off_Road_Table,GPP_Names,'Before','Var1');
Complete_Table{K} = vertcat(TF_Economy_Table,TF_Standard_Table,TF_Performance_Table,TF_Tanker_Table,TF_Off_Road_Table);
% make unique column names (names in all tables must be distinct before concatenating):
N = size(Complete_Table{K},2);
Complete_Table{K}.Properties.VariableNames = sprintf("Var%d_",K) + compose("%d",1:N);
% add two new rows at the top:
new_rows = { ...
sprintf('SW Label: %s',Cal_Rev{K}) '' NaN; ...
sprintf('Version: %d',Version) '' NaN; ...
Complete_Table{K} = [new_rows; Complete_Table{K}];
New_Table = [Complete_Table{:}];
Var1_1 Var1_2 Var1_3 Var2_1 Var2_2 Var2_3 Var3_1 Var3_2 Var3_3
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______
{'SW Label: 5516076' } {0×0 char } NaN {'SW Label: 5516076' } {0×0 char } NaN {'SW Label: 5516076' } {0×0 char } NaN
{'Version: 2' } {0×0 char } NaN {'Version: 2' } {0×0 char } NaN {'Version: 2' } {0×0 char } NaN
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1000
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1125
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1250
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_00' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_00' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_00'} 875
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_00' } 1325
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_00'} 1400
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_00' } 1450
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_00'} 1450
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_00' } 1275
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_00' } 1250
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_00' } 1250
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_00' } 1725
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_00' } 1725
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_00' } 1725
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1085 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1175
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_01' } 975 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1050 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_01' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_01' } 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_01' } 1050
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_01' } 1225 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_01' } 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_01' } 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_01'} 850 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_01'} 925 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_01'} 925
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_01' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_01' } 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_01' } 1325
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1550 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1600 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_01'} 1625
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1500 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1800 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_01' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1525 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1700 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_01'} 1725
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_01' } 1325 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_01' } 1350 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_01' } 1225
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_01' } 1350 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_01' } 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_01' } 1450
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_01' } 1350 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_01' } 1450 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_01' } 1500
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_01' } 1700 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_01' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_01' } 1950
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_01' } 1750 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_01' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_01' } 1950
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_01' } 1800 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_01' } 1925 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_01' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1250
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1150 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1150
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1300 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1300
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_02' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_02' } 1050 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_02' } 1050
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_02' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_02' } 1225 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_02' } 1250
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_02'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_02'} 975 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_02'} 975
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_02' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_02' } 1500 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_02' } 1475
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1675 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_02'} 1800
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_02' } 1850 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_02' } 2000
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1800 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_02'} 1950
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_02' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_02' } 1350 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_02' } 1350
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_02' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_02' } 1550 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_02' } 1475
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_02' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_02' } 1500 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_02' } 1625
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_02' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_02' } 1975 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_02' } 1975
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_02' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_02' } 1975 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_02' } 1975
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_02' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_02' } 1975 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_02' } 1975
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1150 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1175
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1125 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_03' } 975 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1250 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_03' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_03' } 900 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_03' } 1050
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_03' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_03' } 1150 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_03' } 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_03'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_03'} 925 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_03'} 925
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_03' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_03' } 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_03' } 1325
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1650 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_03'} 1650
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1800 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_03' } 1850
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1700 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_03'} 1750
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_03' } 1275 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_03' } 1500 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_03' } 1400
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_03' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_03' } 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_03' } 1500
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_03' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_03' } 1400 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_03' } 1525
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_03' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_03' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_03' } 1825
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_03' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_03' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_03' } 1875
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_03' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_03' } 1925 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_03' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1000 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1175 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1175
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1025 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1025 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1025
{'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1075 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1200 {'100% Throttle Upshift, Flat – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1200
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_04' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_04' } 850 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevLowGr_04' } 850
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_04' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_04' } 1100 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnHighDmdHighSevMidGr_04' } 1100
{'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_04'} 875 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_04'} 1050 {'100% Throttle Upshift Uphill – Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnLowDemandLowSeverity_04'} 1050
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_04' } 1325 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_04' } 1300 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtDnMaxPerformance_04' } 1300
{'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1400 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1725 {'Low Throttle Upshift - Middle Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandCruiseGear_04'} 1725
{'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1450 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1950 {'Low Throttle Upshift - High Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandLowGear_04' } 1950
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1450 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1850 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpHighDemandMiddleGear_04'} 1850
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_04' } 1525 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_04' } 1700 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - MiddleGears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandLowGear_04' } 1700
{'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_04' } 1250 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_04' } 1650 {'100% Throttle Downshift points - Cruise Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemandMidGear_04' } 1650
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_04' } 1250 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_04' } 1600 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Low Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpLowDemand_04' } 1600
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_04' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_04' } 1925 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Middle Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfLowGear_04' } 1925
{'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_04' } 1725 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_04' } 1900 {'100% High Grade Downshift Points - Cruise Gears'} {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerfMidGear_04' } 1900
{'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_04' } 1725 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_04' } 1900 {'Low Throttle Downshift points - All Gears' } {'C_PG_PtmGs_ShPtUpMaxPerformance_04' } 1900
Sai Gudlur
on 29 Feb 2024
Thank you Voss, I see what you did you first defined the string and later concatinated. thanks a lot have a great day.
More Answers (1)
Matt J
on 25 Feb 2024
Edited: Matt J
on 25 Feb 2024
when try to run a loop to extract these elements and have them written out the loop isn't going past the first cell and only retriving it data.
You have 2 loops in your code, so we don't know which loop you're talking about. The first loop seems to be progressing past the first file. I obtain a cell entry Complete_Table{k} for all 3 files, and they are not identical.
The final loop throws an error, but the true intention of the loop isn't clear. Complete_Table{i}(:,:) is not a cell array, so it makes no sense to be applying cell2table.
Sai Gudlur
on 25 Feb 2024
Yes u are correct i was trying everything that I can. actually if just index like below it is retrieving only one (first file) of the multiple files i have turned in as input.
for i = 1:length(Complete_Table)
New_Table = Complete_Table{i};
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