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Error using sym/matlab​Function>g​etOptions "Invalid Values"

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I'm trying to write a script to solve an ODE using Symbolic Math Toolbox as well as some other numerical solutions. However, when I attempt to convert the solution of the ODE into a function so that I can use it with these numerical methods I encounter an error.
close all; clc; clear;
% Constants
t0 = 1; % initial time
tf = 2; % final time
stepSize = 0.5; % step size for numerical methods
syms t y(t) % Define symbolic variables
% MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox
% Define the ODE
ode = t^2*diff(y,t,2) - 2*t*diff(y,t) + 2*y == 0;
odeFunction = matlabFunction(rhs(ode), 'Vars', {t, y});
% Solve the ODE symbolically
sol = dsolve(ode);
% Display the solution
% Euler's Method
[t_euler, y_euler] = Euler(odeFunction, 4, tf, stepSize);
% Improved Euler's Method
[t_improved, y_improved] = EulersImproved(odeFunction, 4, tf, stepSize);
% Euler's function implementation.
function [t, y] = Euler(odeFunction, initialValue, targetValue, stepSize)
% Initialize arrays to store time and solution values
t = 1:stepSize:targetValue;
y = zeros(size(t));
% Set initial value
y(1) = initialValue;
% Euler method to solve the ODE
for i = 1:length(t) - 1
% Compute the next value using Euler's method
y(i + 1) = y(i) + stepSize * odeFunction(t(i), y(i));
% Display the final result at the target value
fprintf('The value of the equation, using Eulers Method, at x = %.2f is %.4f\n', targetValue, y(end));
% Improved Euler's function implementation.
function [t, y] = EulersImproved(odeFunction, initialValue, targetValue, stepSize)
% Initialize arrays to store time and solution values
t = 1:stepSize:targetValue;
y = zeros(size(t));
% Set initial value
y(1) = initialValue;
% Improved Euler's method to solve the ODE
for i = 1:length(t) - 1
% Predictor step
y_pred = y(i) + stepSize * odeFunction(t(i), y(i));
% Corrector step
y(i + 1) = y(i) + 0.5 * stepSize * (odeFunction(t(i), y(i)) + odeFunction(t(i + 1), y_pred));
% Display the final result at the target value
fprintf('The value of the equation, using the Improved Eulers Method, at x = %.2f is %.4f\n', targetValue, y(end));
And it gives the error:
The value of 'Vars' is invalid.
'Vars' value must be a character
vector, a 1-dimensional cell array of
character vectors, a 1-dimensional
cell array of symbolic variables or
arrays of symbolic variables, or an
array of symbolic variables.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 10 Apr 2024
% Define the ODE
ode = t^2*diff(y,t,2) - 2*t*diff(y,t) + 2*y == 0;
odeFunction = matlabFunction(rhs(ode), 'Vars', {t, y});
Why are you converting 0 (rhs of the ode) to a function?
Also, odeFunction is a function in Symbolic Math Toolbox. You should not use functions as names for variables (or scripts for that matter).
And, that function would be a better fit over matlabFunction.

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Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Apr 2024
Edited: Star Strider on 10 Apr 2024
As noted, the right-hand-side of ‘ode’ is 0, and that is not actually a differential equation. The left-hand-side is.
The missing step is calling the odeToVectorField function that returns the desired result of two first-order differential equations. (Note that you need one initial condition for each differential equation.)
Since this looks like a homework assignment, I leave the rest to you —
close all; clc; clear;
% Constants
t0 = 1; % initial time
tf = 2; % final time
stepSize = 0.5; % step size for numerical methods
syms t y(t) Y % Define symbolic variables <— CHANGED (Added 'Y')
% MATLAB Symbolic Math Toolbox
% Define the ODE
ode = t^2*diff(y,t,2) - 2*t*diff(y,t) + 2*y == 0;
[VF,Subs] = odeToVectorField(ode) % <— ADDED
VF = 
Subs = 
odeFunction = matlabFunction(VF, 'Vars', {t, Y}); % — CHANGED (Changed 'Vars' Values)
odeFunction = function_handle with value:
% Solve the ODE symbolically
sol = dsolve(ode);
% Display the solution
% Euler's Method
[t_euler, y_euler] = Euler(odeFunction, 4, tf, stepSize);
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.

Error in sym/matlabFunction>@(t,Y)[Y(2);1.0./t.^2.*(t.*Y(2)-Y(1)).*2.0]

Error in solution>Euler (line 47)
y(i + 1) = y(i) + stepSize * odeFunction(t(i), y(i));
% Improved Euler's Method
[t_improved, y_improved] = EulersImproved(odeFunction, 4, tf, stepSize);
% Euler's function implementation.
function [t, y] = Euler(odeFunction, initialValue, targetValue, stepSize)
% Initialize arrays to store time and solution values
t = 1:stepSize:targetValue;
y = zeros(size(t));
% Set initial value
y(1) = initialValue;
% Euler method to solve the ODE
for i = 1:length(t) - 1
% Compute the next value using Euler's method
y(i + 1) = y(i) + stepSize * odeFunction(t(i), y(i));
% Display the final result at the target value
fprintf('The value of the equation, using Eulers Method, at x = %.2f is %.4f\n', targetValue, y(end));
% Improved Euler's function implementation.
function [t, y] = EulersImproved(odeFunction, initialValue, targetValue, stepSize)
% Initialize arrays to store time and solution values
t = 1:stepSize:targetValue;
y = zeros(size(t));
% Set initial value
y(1) = initialValue;
% Improved Euler's method to solve the ODE
for i = 1:length(t) - 1
% Predictor step
y_pred = y(i) + stepSize * odeFunction(t(i), y(i));
% Corrector step
y(i + 1) = y(i) + 0.5 * stepSize * (odeFunction(t(i), y(i)) + odeFunction(t(i + 1), y_pred));
% Display the final result at the target value
fprintf('The value of the equation, using the Improved Eulers Method, at x = %.2f is %.4f\n', targetValue, y(end));


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