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Adding Random phase causes fft anomalies?

6 views (last 30 days)
If I add random_phase to my waveforms then the fft goes skewy - basically it breaks down and is not producing what it should be like when random_phase is not present in sinewave generation loop.
%Setup sampling times and frequency range
f=(20.2 : 0.1 : 21.1)*10^9;
Fs = 3*max(f);
Ts = 1/Fs;
end_t = 0.5*10^-6
dt=0: Ts : end_t -Ts
a=0; b=pi; %for random phase calculation
%Below part adds a new sine wave every 0.01*10^9 within frequency range
for a=1:length(f)-1
random_phase = (b-a).*rand(1,length(dt))+a;
y(a,:) = 5*sin(2*pi.*f(a) .* dt + random_phase); %remove random_phase and scripts works fine.
%combined waveform
waveform = sum(y);
%setup frequency domain for FFT
freq_domain = (0:N-1);
freq_domain = f_domain*Fs/N
bar(freq_domain, ft);
ax=gca; ax.XAxis.Exponent = 9;
xlim([20 *10^9 21.4*10^9]);
Completely stumped how random phase messes up my fft...

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 14 Dec 2017
The random phase will shift your sine curve randomly in time, essentially destroying the periodicity. You can see this easily if you plot your signal in the time domain:
plot(dt, waveform)
plot(dt, waveform)
axis([0 2E-8 ylim])
Also, if you use plot rather than bar, the Fourier transform is easier to see.

More Answers (1)

Joel Miller
Joel Miller on 14 Dec 2017
If you are trying to randomly shift the phase of the sinusoids, sin(2*pi.*f(a) .* dt), then random_phase should be a scalar. When random_phase is a vector of length dt, you are adding a different phase to each time increment of the sinusoid. That is a reasonable definition of random (phase) noise. You can see this by fourier transforming just random_phase.

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