I would not consider may recommendation as an answer. However, until MathWorks adds all text elements to 'tex' and 'latex' interpreters for App Designer labels, I have been stacking labels to create the appearance of subscript and/or superscript text in my labels.
My primary label with spacing included:
My stacked labels. I reduced the font size for the labels displaying "min" and "max", then placed them over my primarly labels.
Hopefully this techinique or something similar will suffice until the interpreters can handle sub- and superscripts.
App designer does not yet support an interpreter in all text elements. This post contains details on which elements supported the 'tex' and 'latex' interpreters as of 18a.
@Cris LaPierre Using label to fake a sucscripted text is an awkward solution. For checkbox, you can click the text to make the checkbox checked, in addition to click the box itself. However, if you use label to fake the text, the only option is to click the box itself. This inconsistent user experience between different checkboxes would apparently make the user confused. Not to mention how difficult it might be to locate a small box in a large UI.
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