How can I extract the time column of a timetable

48 views (last 30 days)
I need to extrct the time column of a timetable as I need to manipulate it.
any Ideas?
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 3 May 2019
Just for the record, David was correct, except for one subtle point: the row times in a timetable are metadata, not one of the variables. You can access them by name in exactly the same way, though.
David created his timetable with a workspace variable named MeasurementTime, whose name the timetable picked up; that's why his row times were named Measurement time. The default name is Time, though.

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Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 20 Apr 2019
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 20 Apr 2019
a = rand(20,6);
date1 = datetime(2019,4,19) + hours(cumsum(70*rand(20,1)));
TT = array2timetable(a,'RowTimes',date1);
date_out = TT.Time;

More Answers (1)

Haris K.
Haris K. on 13 May 2020
You can also use directly:
TT = timetable(Temp,Pressure,WindSpeed,WindDirection, 'RowTimes',MeasurementTime)
datetime_vec = TT.Time


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