How do I get some part of my boxplot labels italic? I can not change the Interpreter to 'tex' somehow? Why? How can I work around?
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I kind of have the same problem, which was asked here:
I want to have some parts of labels for boxplot italic but it just writes "\it" out. Somehow I cannot change the Interpreter to 'text'.
Also why is there no proper handle for the boxplot function like for any other plot?
This solution does not work! (MATLAB R2017a) The labels are still NOT italic and \it is still written there.
dados = rand(100,2);
boxplot(dados,'labels',{'\bf\it{IDEB}_2_0_0_7','\bf Efficiencies'})
h = findobj(gca, 'type', 'text');
set(h, 'Interpreter', 'tex');
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 21 Apr 2019
dados = rand(100,2);
boxplot(dados,'labels',{'\bf\it{IDEB}__{2007}','\bf Efficiencies'});
set(gca, 'TickLabelInterpreter', 'tex');
That worked when I tested it.
Star Strider
on 23 Apr 2019
As always, my pleasure.
A handle to boxplot just returns the data it plots, and nothing about the statistics or anything else that it calculates. The labels are simply axis tick labels.
More Answers (1)
Tom Cook
on 23 Apr 2019
Edited: Tom Cook
on 23 Apr 2019
1 Comment
Star Strider
on 23 Apr 2019
The information on the boxplot is actually availble. It’s not obvious, and I had to dig for it.
Example —
dados = rand(100,2);
hb = boxplot(dados,'labels',{'\bf\it{IDEB}_{2007}','\bf Efficiencies'});
set(gca, 'TickLabelInterpreter', 'tex');
hbp = get(gca);
BoxPlotInfo = hbp.Children.Children
producing (in this instance):
BoxPlotInfo =
14×1 Line array:
Line (Outliers)
Line (Outliers)
Line (Median)
Line (Median)
Line (Box)
Line (Box)
Line (Lower Adjacent Value)
Line (Lower Adjacent Value)
Line (Upper Adjacent Value)
Line (Upper Adjacent Value)
Line (Lower Whisker)
Line (Lower Whisker)
Line (Upper Whisker)
Line (Upper Whisker)
Then to get the first box information:
FirstBox = BoxPlotInfo(5)
I didn’t dig deeper than that.
I invite you to explore those properties at your leisure.
See Also
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