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taking samples from a vector

19 views (last 30 days)
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers on 21 Sep 2020
Commented: Star Strider on 21 Sep 2020
I have the vector psi. It has too many items and I cannot copy and paste the values in a txt file to plot a graph in Latex.
Would be great to have a small code to take a sample like every 5 or 10 items to reduce the size and create a new file psi_short.
It won't lose the shape since its dicretization is very high.
I wrote this but it doesn change anithyng:
for i=1:length(psi)
psi_short(i) =psi(i);
  1 Comment
Star Strider
Star Strider on 21 Sep 2020
Use my code.
It is not possible to change the index in a for loop. The for function simply ignores the changes (although you can use changed values for it in calculations).
Even if it worked, the explicit loop is much less efficient than the indexing approach my code uses.

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Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 21 Sep 2020
Try these:
D = load('psi.mat');
psi = D.psi; % (10962 x 1)
Every5 = psi(1:5:end); % (2193 x 1)
Every10 = psi(1:10:end); % (1097 x 1)
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers on 21 Sep 2020
Thanks again a lot. I was making such a stupid mistake after a long day in front of the laptop.
Have a great day and thank yoou again.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 21 Sep 2020
Thank you!
As always, my pleasure!
I don’t consider mistakes stupid if their solution is instructive!

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