Problem 56468. IQpuzzler Preparation #1: Find all non-identical orientations of a matrix

Return all non-identical orientations of a 2-D matrix that can be produced by rotating or flipping it.
Input is an M-by-N matrix. You can assume integer values and no empty rows or columns.
Output is a 1-by-P cell array containing P unique M-by-N or N-by-M matrices.
Ordering of the output matrices does not matter, as long as there are no repetitions.
{ [2 0;2 2] , [0 2;2 2] , [2 2;0 2], [2 2;2 0] } = rotflip2d([2 0;2 2])
This function will be useful for the IQpuzzler challenge on Cody.

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83.33% Correct | 16.67% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Dec 31, 2023

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