Problem 58773. ICFP 2023 Orchestra: Score Optimization of 2-Musicians and 1-Attendee
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The ICFP 2023 Competition in July was to place musicians on a stage to maximize the attendees net Joy. The ICFP 2023 Orchestra Spec shows details of the contest. The musicians played various instruments with attendees having preference values for each instrument type. Musicians could block attendees from seeing musicians behind them. Blocking occurs if a_i to m_j vector touched within 5 of m_k. No musicians allowed within 10 of one another.
This Challenge is to place Two musicians onto the stage,mxy, to maximize Joy for one attendee,axy. Score an Attendee Joy higher than a min_score. The Joy table am is Joy co-factor for each musician type. Joy is scaled by 1/distance-squared between Musician and Attendee. Joy(j,i)=1000000*am(i,mu(j))/d2(i,j).
The Joy here is to see the figures of optimal placement and the data per case.
The Challenge is to minimize the time, best known time of 0.28s, and/or to clean the code for size.
The scoring and blocking functions are provided in the template.
This figure is a case where the Attendee is Grumpy and dislikes both Musicians to different amounts.
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