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Yes, some readers might now argue that I used roughness in a crazy way in my last post, in my approach to finding a large twin prime pair. That is, I deliberately constructed a family of integers that were known to be a-priori rough. But, suppose I gave you some large, rather arbitrarily constructed number, and asked you to tell me if it is prime? For example, to pull a number out of my hat, consider
P = sym(2)^122397 + 65;
floor(vpa(log10(P) + 1))
ans = 
36846 decimal digits is pretty large. And in fact, large enough that sym/isprime in R2024b will literally choke on it. But is it prime? Can we efficiently learn if it is at least not prime?
A nice way to learn the roughness of even a very large number like this is to use GCD.
ans = 
If the greatest common divisor between P and prod(sym(primes(10000))) is 1, then P is NOT divisible by any small prime from that set, since they have no common divisors. And so we can learn that P is indeed fairly rough, 10000-rough in fact. That means P is more likely to be prime than most other large integers in that domain.
ans = 
However, this rather efficiently tells us that in fact, P is not prime, as it has a common factor with some integer greater than 1, and less then 1e5.
I suppose you might think this is nothing different from doing trial divides, or using the mod function. But GCD is a much faster way to solve the problem. As a test, I timed the two.
timeit(@() gcd(P,prod(sym(primes(100000)))))
ans = 0.1387
timeit(@() any(mod(P,primes(100000)) == 0))
ans = 0.8498
Even worse, in the first test, much if not most of that time is spent in merely computing the product of those primes.
pprod = prod(sym(primes(100000)));
timeit(@() gcd(P,pprod))
ans = 2.1730e-04
So even though pprod is itself a huge number, with over 43000 decimal digits, we can use it quite efficiently, especially if you precompute that product if you will do this often.
How might I use roughness, if my goal was to find the next larger prime beyond 2^122397? I'll look fairly deeply, looking only for 1e7-rough numbers, because these numbers are pretty seriously large. Any direct test for primality will take some serious time to perform.
pprod = prod(sym(primes(10000000)));
find(1 == gcd(sym(2)^122397 + (1:2:199),pprod))*2 - 1
ans = 1×8
57 95 101 105 141 149 161 179
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2^122397 plus any one of those numbers is known to be 1e7-rough, and therefore very possibly prime. A direct test at this point would surely take hours and I don't want to wait that long. So I'll back off just a little to identify the next prime that follows 2^10000. Even that will take some CPU time.
What is the next prime that follows 2^10000? In this case, the number has a little over 3000 decimal digits. But, even with pprod set at the product of primes less than 1e7, only a few seconds were needed to identify many numbers that are 1e7-rough.
P10000 = sym(2)^10000;
k = find(1 == gcd(P10000 + (1:2:1999),pprod))*2 - 1
k =
Columns 1 through 8
15 51 63 85 165 171 177 183
Columns 9 through 16
253 267 273 295 315 421 427 451
Columns 17 through 24
511 531 567 601 603 675 687 717
Columns 25 through 32
723 735 763 771 783 793 795 823
Columns 33 through 40
837 853 865 885 925 955 997 1005
Columns 41 through 48
1017 1023 1045 1051 1071 1075 1095 1107
Columns 49 through 56
1261 1285 1287 1305 1371 1387 1417 1497
Columns 57 through 64
1507 1581 1591 1593 1681 1683 1705 1771
Columns 65 through 69
1773 1831 1837 1911 1917
Among the 1000 odd numbers immediately following 2^10000, there are exactly 69 that are 1e7-rough. Every other odd number in that sequence is now known to be composite, and even though we don't know the full factorization of those 931 composite numbers, we don't care in the context as they are not prime. I would next apply a stronger test for primality to only those few candidates which are known to be rough. Eventually after an extensive search, we would learn the next prime succeeding 2^10000 is 2^10000+13425.
In my next post, I show how to use MOD, and all the cores in your CPU to test for roughness.
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