Sindhu Karri - MATLAB Central

Sindhu Karri

Last seen: 6 months ago Active since 2020

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MATLAB AnswersFrom 03/20 to 03/25Use left and right arrows to move selectionFrom 03/20Use left and right arrows to move left selectionTo 03/25Use left and right arrows to move right selectionUse TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection100%

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How to write a matlab code to plot the amplitude modulated signal in time domain with modulation index value m=1, m< 1 and m >1.
Hii, You can use ammod function to do amplitude modulation and change the values of input amplitude(x),'carramp' parameter val...

3 years ago | 0

addchannel missing or incorrect argument
Hii, addchannel function is from older versions of MATLAB and is no longer supported .Instead you can use addinput function to ...

3 years ago | 0

Embedded Coder support for STMicrocontroller SPC58 microcontroller
Hii, Refer to below link to get details on the support of STMicrocontroller SPC58

3 years ago | 0

How do i calculate Poisson Image noise?
Hii, You can use imnoise(I,'poisson') to add posison noise to images.This caluclates poisson noise from the data.See the Algor...

3 years ago | 0

Error using MATLAB to connect Tello drone
Hii, The error might be because Tello drone streams FPV video to the UDP port number 11111,which is blocked by default in Windo...

3 years ago | 0

Output a matrix with symbols
Hii, According to my understanding of the question,you want to display the array R_termX as a table using the uitable, which t...

3 years ago | 0

How to resolve this error-Invalid training data. For image, sequence-to-label, and feature classification tasks, responses must be categorical.
Hii, In the trainNetwork function the response input(YL) should be an categorical array, instead it is defined as an array. Re...

3 years ago | 2

Error using feval Function to evaluate must be represented as a string scalar, character vector, or function_handle object.
Hii, Here the error is because of the feval function.You need to pass a function handle or function name as an input to feval ....

4 years ago | 0

Decision Feedback Equalizer Crashes Matlab with InputSamplesPerSymbol option
Hii, I tried to run the code in MATLAB R2021a and it gave the following error message. numTrainSymbols = 200; numDataSymbols ...

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

Search window in KNN
Hii, Refer to the documentation of knnsearch function.This might help you in getting started

4 years ago | 0

MATLAB groundTruthLabeler: How to rotate the bounding box?
Hii, Since you are using pointcloud data ,you can use LidarLabeler App which give you the Auto Align option to align the ROI wi...

4 years ago | 0

how can i convert an answer from an inputdlg into a matrix ?
Hii, Refer to below attached code,it might help you prompt = {'Enter filename'}; dlgtitle = 'Input'; dims = [1 35]; definp...

4 years ago | 0

error in mdl/rsquared.ordniary
Hii, The error is in the line mdl0=fitlm(time,f0); It is because of passing incorrect inputs to the fitlm function,here the...

4 years ago | 0

How to fix this error “Index exceeds the number of array elements (57)” while using minboundquad function
Hii, Modifying the line in minboundquad.m from edges = convhull(x,y); to edges = convhull(x,y,'Simplify',true); resolves th...

4 years ago | 1

IDC file visualize in matlab
Hii, ibeoLidarReader function can be used to create a object that read metadata from IDC file and readMessages function can be...

4 years ago | 0

Can I drop a particle swarm onto a surface and watch the path of motion?
Hii, Refer to below link

4 years ago | 0

The code that implements regression to any data using Maximum A Posteriori Estimation (MAP)
Refer to below attached link Hope this helps you in ge...

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

Same value in two different matrices with different properties.
Hii, Hope below attached code helps A=[987 583;476 232;650 102]; B=[987 1;583 2;476 1; 232 3; 650 4; 102 5]; C=zeros(size(A)...

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

Transmit and receive data checking for BER.
Hii Refer to Estimate Bit Error Rate for 64-QAM in AWGN section in the below attached link.

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

Text analytics toobox. find specific text in strings in (n x 3) variables
Hii, You can use matches function instead of contains function to get the correct index.I have attached a sample code C = {'ra...

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

how to enter the number of iteration in Gauss seidel method
Hii, You can use input function to manually give number of iterations to be run

4 years ago | 0

I could not integrate using MatLab, Can you please help me?
Hii The "int" function cannot solve all integrals since symbolic integration is such a complicated task. It is also possible th...

4 years ago | 0

Trapezium rule from table of results
Hii, You can use trapz function to calculate the integral.Refer the syntax trapz(X,Y) which might be helpful for your use case....

4 years ago | 0

| accepted

bode plot from a filter circuit that I generated
Hii , You can use Bode Plot block present in Simulink Library Browser under Simulink Control Design -> Linear Analysis Plots se...

4 years ago | 0

Analog communication system, electrical engineering ,
Hii You can refer to fmmod function to get started with FM modulation and envelope function to extract the envelope

4 years ago | 1

How to import a .uint16 file as matrix / image into MATLAB?
Hii, You can use imread function to read image file and store them as an array variable.Use rgb2gray function to convert RGB i...

4 years ago | 1

How to put this 4 each one in a different function that i will call it in my script
Hii, I have attached the files containing the boundary functions and the main script calling those function.Hope this helps you...

4 years ago | 0

Antenna Array Designer Dot Indexing Error
Hii, I have tried to reproduce the issue on my end, but I didn't get any such error. I recommend you to go through the command ...

4 years ago | 0

Image Registration Satellite Landsat-8
You can use imregister function to register images.Registration Estimator App can also be to register images Hope the below at...

4 years ago | 0

How to code Levinson Durbin recursion to find optimum filter of noise cancellation?
Refer to below attached link. Hope this helps you in getting started

4 years ago | 1

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