
Parag Jhunjhunwala

Last seen: 8 months ago Active since 2022

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No pronouns - Use my name only
Professional Interests:
Loops and Conditional Statements, Operators and Elementary Operations, Programming, Functions


  • Knowledgeable Level 2
  • First Answer
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Sort array based on struct fields' values
Hi Matteo Valentini, The following is a sample code to sort the array arr1 and rearrange the elements at corresponding indices ...

1 year ago | 1

How to get the values in the array and use it for user input, then creating an array for the inputs?
The below code asks the user to enter the values for f(5), f(6) and f(8) and inserts the user input in the vector f at the respe...

1 year ago | 0

| accepted

Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Hi Ruslan Askarov, This question has already been answered here:

1 year ago | 0

Count the frequency of 2 consecutive days in a year
Hi Eli I have modified the for loop in your code to find out the count of exactly 2 consecutive days for each year and stored i...

1 year ago | 0

How to sort a cell alphabetically?
The following code sorts a cell alphabetically by converting all the strings to lowercase characters without affecting the origi...

1 year ago | 1

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How to make a vector with elements +1 and -1 only?
Hi charu shree, The following code creates a vector of dimension 1X1000 with values -1 and +1: vect=ones(1,1000)-2*(randi(2,1,...

1 year ago | 0

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How can I test that tab values exist in other sequence?
There are two ways to find the position of each value of vect in seq: 1. Using find() function: pos=zeros(1,length(vect)); ...

1 year ago | 0

How to search for a condition in all index in a row
Hi @Helena Hjørringgaard, Below is the sample code to address the problem you are facing.The approach to the implementation is ...

1 year ago | 0

Special Characters åäö in matlab editor
Hi Daniel Vennetti, I have tried running the commands in the latest version of MATLAB(R2023a) editor and it doesn't produce any...

1 year ago | 0

Struct to double conversion
There are 2 ways of converting an image to double format: 1. Using im2double() function: double_images=[]; ...

1 year ago | 0