
Githin George

Active since 2022

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  • Knowledgeable Level 3
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Remote address for Simulink TCP/IP block as parameter/variable from workspace?
Hi Wilfried, You can set the “Remote Address” parameter of the TCP/IP Block from a MATLAB script in the following way. blockPa...

7 days ago | 0

Matlab migration from 2019b to 2021b
Hello Poornachandran, Migrating Simulink models to a newer version involves several considerations. While there aren't any defi...

7 days ago | 0

Protected model fails to build
Hello Robrecht, I have a created an example model that implements a wrapper inlined S-Function as described in the documentatio...

7 days ago | 0

Build issues for custom target file in 2024b verions. Error in "emmintrin.h"
Hello Kiruthika, The file "emmintrin.h" is a header file associated with Intel x86_64 instruction set extensions for SIMD, spe...

8 days ago | 0

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After each restart, the parameters of the multimeter blocks change randomly (Simulink Simscape Electrical - Specialized Power Systems)
Hello Torben, I have never encountered a similar issue with the “Multimeter Block”. From your description this seems like a bug...

8 days ago | 0

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Initfcn callback wont update during the sensitivity analysis of my model
Hi Angelo, The issue seems to be reproducible only for variables in a model/block/mask callback and I was unable to find any li...

10 days ago | 0

IP Address in Hardware Implementation (External Mode in Configuration Parameters) is not used for code generation
Hi Lars, It seems like there is no option to change the IP address of the target board from the Configuration Parameters Dialog...

10 days ago | 0

Simulation output missing in Test manager, when using Test sequence input, for baseline testing
Hello Anand, Given that you are able to observe the “Simulation Outputs” in another system and not able to view the same in you...

10 days ago | 1

How to correctly abort a running Matlab function/thread in a .NET Assembly in .NET8?
If creating a separate process is not helpful, you could try using Cancellation Token to signal that a task should stop. The tas...

1 month ago | 1

Is there a better way to organise my data dictionary and still have acces in Simulink and Stateflow?
Hi Danus, Managing data dictionaries in Simulink can indeed be challenging for large models. But you could try out the followin...

1 month ago | 1

Unable to delete derived entry in sldd
I am assuming that you might be using "Interface Dictionaries" and linking it to the "Data Dictionary" in the Simulink model. T...

1 month ago | 0

Class Method's 'IntelliSense' & 'help(f1) description' doesn't show - Is MathWorks working to add this feature?
Hello Cody, I would say there are 2 separate issues which are to be considered here. An option to enhance the tab-complete fea...

1 month ago | 0

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Is there any way to determine if an app is being ran as a compiled executable via MATLAB Runtime or as a mlapp file via MATLAB?
Hi Austin, You can try using the "isDeployed" function in MATLAB to determine whether the MATLAB code is running from a compile...

1 month ago | 1

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Specifying a registered toolchain
Hello Engenuity, I understand that you are facing issues with the toolchain configuration for your Simulink model. I noticed th...

1 month ago | 0

Can't use structs as outputs from simulink models
Hello, The error message that you have provided indicates that “struct” objects cannot be the output of a “MATLAB function” blo...

8 months ago | 1

Get the position of a single freehand ROI on axes with a click
Hello, I have played around with some basic code snippets in MATLAB R2023a, to see if the data related to the ROI can be displa...

8 months ago | 0

How to provide Phase difference between PWM pulses from Arduino by Simulink?
Hello, I understand that you would like to generate high frequency pulses from Arduino in pin 12 and pin 11 with the added co...

8 months ago | 0

Error trying to change colorbar color- data points dont reflect new color when colorbar changed
Hello Siobhan, I have tried out the code you have provided with some dummy data and have made some observations out of it. Fi...

8 months ago | 0

How can I use serial receive with quanser/quarc?
Hello Lukas, Unfortunately, the serial send/receive blocks from the Instrument control toolbox are not supported for code gener...

8 months ago | 0

Usage of CAN blocs on Arduino UNO & MKR CAN Shield
Hello, It is my understanding that you are trying to implement the example for CAN transmission with an Arduino UNO. I’m assumi...

8 months ago | 0

Simulink model generate different results with tha same parameters
Hello Raymond, Upon reviewing the "InitFcn" you've shared, one of the probable reasons for the varying outcomes between the ini...

8 months ago | 0

Able to send/receive serial data with Serial Explorer but not a normal script?
Hello Noah, The timeout error that you are encountering may be caused due to attempting to write data to the Arduino, immediate...

8 months ago | 0

How to create a Referenced Model Block with variable inport dimensions?
Hello Pascal, I understand that you would like to reuse your referenced model with different settings but is not able to beca...

8 months ago | 0

bwconncomp and conn=3-by-3 constant marix not working for C/C++ Code Generation, despite using R2023b
Hello Robin, I've attempted to generate C code for the "bwconncomp" function using the "conn" matrix you have provided, but I'...

8 months ago | 0

How to Make Function Help Stings (not functionSignatures.json)
Hello, I understand that you are looking for displaying function descriptions during tab auto-completion in MATLAB editor. Th...

8 months ago | 0

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Solving Non-linear Equations in Simulink Code Generation (looking for syms replacement)
It is my understanding that you would like to solve a system of equations in Simulink and perform code generation for the same. ...

10 months ago | 0

Pan object support for uiaxes for callback functionality following that of "Zoom" (ActionPreCallback / ActionPostCallback)
Hello Josiah, It is my understanding that you are trying to replicate the “ActionPreCallback” and “ActionPostCallback” functio...

10 months ago | 0

Automating my simulation model and how do I give input using GUI
Hello Ajay, It is my understanding that you would like to perform multiple automated simulations and provide the inputs from w...

10 months ago | 1

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Issue with setPreSimFcn not being called in MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox
Hello Szabó Bence Károly, It is my understanding that you are trying to use the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox to run a mul...

10 months ago | 0

import data problem for training faster rcnn
Hello Ahmad, It is my understanding that you are trying to train a faster R-CNN network and would like to create a MATLAB “grou...

10 months ago | 0

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