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How to fix a deploy problem in a custom app which uses GUI Layout toolbox?
Hi dear community, I have created a custom app with GUI Layout Toolbox and to install toolbox and check correctly installed in...
4 years ago | 0 answers | 0
answersHow to use multible lines in Edit Field with App Designer
Hi, Try to use "text area" item instead of edit field. When you get the values you can find them in a cell array. Sample: ...
4 years ago | 2
| accepted
Indices of 2D array
try this: data =[ 2 5 0 15 12 7 4 8 19 14 20 25 18 13 40 ]; reshaped_data = re...
4 years ago | 1
Custom warning message does not show when called within a function
I agree with Walter, put that code on command window to get all warnings on: warning all on; Be sure that your if statement ...
4 years ago | 0
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How to zip mat files if they are less than a certain size in a folder?
Hello Dear Community, I have a folder and I have a lot of mat files in it. Each mat file contains a struct with fields: nam...
5 years ago | 1 answer | 0
answerhow to extract specific numbers from string?
Hello Lola, You can convert to datetime object and use the properties like below: mdate = '19800101'; tmp_date = date...
5 years ago | 0
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Please how i can set the indexes of a vector or matrix in Matlab (exactly like the function set index in python)
Hello, I wrote some codes for you and I am going to share some links so that you can read in documentation and it will help. ...
5 years ago | 1
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solving Linear differential equation
Hi there! There are 2 ways of doing this. It depends on your B vector according to Ax = B equation system. Your solutions below...
5 years ago | 0
How to change Heatmap's Grid (Edge) appereance and behavior?
Hi Dear Community, Today I'm dealing with a heatmap chart to make it look visually beautiful as much as possible. Here below I...
5 years ago | 1 answer | 0
answerHow to extract data from .mat file that contains table
Hi, Here is my answer for your question. Please read my comments near each line. table_loaded = load('C:\Users\...\Download...
5 years ago | 2
| accepted
Double sum with upper limits
Maybe something like that would help: d = rand(67,120); sum_of_cos_s = 0; result = 0; for s = 1:67 for j = 1:120 ...
5 years ago | 0
Programmatically testing whether a variable is an optimoptions object
Hi, Maybe something like this helps? metaClass = metaclass(opts1); if contains(metaClass.Name,'optim.options') disp('Thi...
5 years ago | 0
Use of MatLab Licence
As far as I know if you have "Software Maintenance Service(SMS)" you can.
5 years ago | 0
Have you checked the below links? Create Excel Add-Ins Create an Excel App from Matlab Code
5 years ago | 0
how to find out distance between two points.
Here you can use this: NodeNumbersMatrix = [... 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 2 6 2 7 3 8 3 9 ...
5 years ago | 1
How to get missing functions in Matlab 2018b about table and timetable operations?
Hello dear community! I have just realized that the functions below listed do not exist in my Matlab 2018b version with all to...
5 years ago | 1 answer | 0
answerAdd specific date time column to every table inside a cell
Easiest and fastest way to do it using a cellfun and converting them to a timetable. Here is one line to do it all: NewCellAr...
5 years ago | 1
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Create a plot with a drop down menu in an App
I think you don't even need to define callback functions for your dropdowns. They are already properties of your app object. B...
5 years ago | 0
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How to extract event start and finish indices by finding rising edges and falling edges of an array?
Hi dear community, I have a state array doesn't matter what value inside it but for example I only want to find array == 6 as ...
5 years ago | 1 answer | 0
answerHello! How can i make a condition run many times?
Basically, it can be done as follows with a while block: some_condition_to_be_fullfilled = 0; while some_condition_to_be_fu...
5 years ago | 0
Remove or Undo GridLayout with App Designer.
Hi, Go to Canvas Tab, remove the tick on the "Show Grid" box.
5 years ago | 0
Delete entire rows based on one condition
Hi, Try this: data = num2cell(randi(5000,240,7)); % sample random data in a cell array my_Table = cell2table(data); % conver...
5 years ago | 3
How to require a custom class type with addRequired?
Variable out is not defined in the function bar. Also bar is already a built-in function. Use another function name instead.
5 years ago | 0
unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
Hi, It is because you defined dx = 3 as 1x1 double. Your function y_dot gives 2x1 double as result. So it is not possible to c...
5 years ago | 0
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Draw vertical lines on a plot
There is a built-in function for that. For vertical lines use xline and for horizonal lines use yline. Here is sample code: ...
5 years ago | 0
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Control Design without using s ”acker , place.
Basically you can check below link and videos how a state-space model created in Simulink. state space
5 years ago | 0
Mathematical symbols in matlab
Hi, Check this: how-to-insert-latex-equation-into-static-text-plot-in-gui You should be writing in latex format.
5 years ago | 0
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How can I classify data based on two columns??
Your error caused from the line for loop. You have 19 elements but m+1 will be 20. for m = 1:length(lines)-1 ... end Th...
5 years ago | 0
Strange histogram from point cloud
Basically, you can decrease Histogram's 'BinCounts' property or increase 'BinWidth' property. You can define them with 'Name',...
5 years ago | 0
how to plot wind rose plot?
Hi, Have you tried this function from FEX? wind-rose
5 years ago | 1