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Visual Perception

Lane boundary, pedestrian, vehicle, and other object detections using machine learning and deep learning

You can detect objects using machine learning and deep learning techniques. You can also segment, detect, and model parabolic or cubic lane boundaries by using the random sample consensus (RANSAC) algorithm. After your detect objects, use Automated Driving Toolbox™ functions to evaluate and visualize the detections.


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peopleDetectorACFDetect people using aggregate channel features
vehicleDetectorACFLoad vehicle detector using aggregate channel features
acfObjectDetectorDetect objects using aggregate channel features
configureDetectorMonoCameraConfigure object detector for using calibrated monocular camera
acfObjectDetectorMonoCameraDetect objects in monocular camera using aggregate channel features
trainACFObjectDetectorTrain ACF object detector
objectDetectorTrainingDataCreate training data for an object detector
vision.PeopleDetector(Removed) Detect upright people using HOG features
vision.CascadeObjectDetectorDetect objects using the Viola-Jones algorithm
trainCascadeObjectDetectorTrain cascade object detector model
vehicleDetectorFasterRCNNDetect vehicles using Faster R-CNN
configureDetectorMonoCameraConfigure object detector for using calibrated monocular camera
fastRCNNObjectDetectorMonoCamera Detect objects in monocular camera using Fast R-CNN deep learning detector
fasterRCNNObjectDetectorMonoCameraDetect objects in monocular camera using Faster R-CNN deep learning detector
ssdObjectDetectorMonoCameraDetect objects in monocular camera using SSD deep learning detector (Since R2020a)
yolov2ObjectDetectorMonoCameraDetect objects in monocular camera using YOLO v2 deep learning detector
yolov3ObjectDetectorMonoCameraDetect objects in monocular camera using YOLO v3 deep learning detector (Since R2023a)
yolov4ObjectDetectorMonoCameraDetect objects in monocular camera using YOLO v4 deep learning detector (Since R2022a)
vehicleDetectorYOLOv2Detect vehicles using YOLO v2 Network (Since R2020a)
trainYOLOv2ObjectDetectorTrain YOLO v2 object detector
objectDetectorTrainingDataCreate training data for an object detector
segmentLaneMarkerRidgeDetect lanes in a grayscale intensity image
findParabolicLaneBoundariesFind boundaries using parabolic model
parabolicLaneBoundaryParabolic lane boundary model
findCubicLaneBoundariesFind boundaries using cubic model
cubicLaneBoundaryCubic lane boundary model
computeBoundaryModelObtain y-coordinates of lane boundaries given x-coordinates
insertLaneBoundaryInsert lane boundary into image
fitPolynomialRANSACFit polynomial to points using RANSAC
ransacFit model to noisy data
evaluateObjectDetectionEvaluate object detection data set against ground truth (Since R2023b)
evaluateLaneBoundariesEvaluate lane boundary models against ground truth
insertTextInsert text in image or video
insertShapeInsert shapes in image or video
insertMarkerInsert markers in image or video
insertLaneBoundaryInsert lane boundary into image
insertObjectAnnotationAnnotate truecolor or grayscale image or video
vision.DeployableVideoPlayerDisplay video
vision.VideoPlayerPlay video or display image

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