
Mike Garrity


Active since 2013

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Computer Graphics Years
I loved the question that Steve recently asked on his blog about what your earliest computer experiences were. It brought...

7 years ago


Creating 3d slice plot from various 2d dot plots
So you have something like this: npts = 120; for i=1:10 years(i,:) = randi(50,[1 npts]); windows(i,:) = randn(...

9 years ago | 0

Better data tip for Polar graph
The new < polarplot function> in R2016a does this for you. <</matlabc...

9 years ago | 0

How to extract data point from a vector graphics by MATLAB?
The coordinates in the output file are not going to be the same as your data values. They can't be in some cases (e.g. YScale='l...

9 years ago | 0

Color a sphere surface/polar plot axis-wise
Something like this, perhaps? [x,y,z] = sphere(40); col(:,:,1) = abs(y); col(:,:,2) = abs(x); col(:,:,3) = abs(z);...

9 years ago | 1

how to pause mesh command?
As I explained in < this post on the MATLAB Graphics ...

9 years ago | 0

How can I create 2D projections from a 3D object?
One approach is the technique I showed in answers to <

9 years ago | 1


The Five Tetrahedra
The dodecahedron is a particularly interesting polyhedron. It's full of interesting five-fold symmetries. Let's take a look...

9 years ago


Bar graphs with two sets of different sizes
One simple way is this: none = length(one); ntwo = length(two); h = nan(max(none,ntwo),2); h(1:none,1)=one; h(1...

9 years ago | 0

| accepted

Cannot save opengl settings
I think that the "save" feature was added in R2014b. So you can't use it in R2014a. The simplest workaround would probably b...

9 years ago | 0

Handling axes as arguments
Axes only returns an axes handle in the cases where it is creating an axes object. The syntax where you pass an axes handle in i...

9 years ago | 0

how to set default properties for annotations
The pattern is * 'Default' * The value of the object's Type property * The name of the property you want to set. So, if...

9 years ago | 1

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May I ask how to do elliptic curve in matlab? because I have no idea to start...
Elliptic curves are examples of implicit curves. I discussed how to plot implicit curves in <

9 years ago | 0

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How can I plot y-z plane slices in a 3D volume?
You don't really need to build a full 3D array and then slice it. You can just place individual 2D slices in a 3D axes. [y,...

9 years ago | 3

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contourf with fixed colormap
Try uncommenting the call to caxis and moving it after the call to contourf. It needs to be after the call to contourf because t...

9 years ago | 0

Computer freezes SOMETIMES when plotting
If it only happens when you plot, then the first suspect would be the driver for the graphics card. I would look to see whether ...

9 years ago | 0

Getting particular scatter plots
Something like this perhaps: hs = scatter(randn(1,1000),randn(1,1000),'.'); hr = rectangle('Position',[.5 .5 .65 .5]); ...

9 years ago | 0

How to convert a binary 3d matrix to mesh.
Yes, I would think that < isosurface> is the first thing to try. Just gi...

9 years ago | 2

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How to change the stem line color
That looks like the graphics driver bug which was discussed in <

9 years ago | 0

hObject, eventdata and handles not return double in R2016a
There was quite a bit of documentation on this as part of the R2014b release. <

9 years ago | 0

How to plot a triangular shape function on a triangular domain?
I described one approach in <

9 years ago | 1

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how to plot a single valued function over a triangulated surface?
You can do it with patch. You'll just want to set FaceColor to interp and set the FaceVertexCData to to value of your function. ...

9 years ago | 1

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Problem with plotting on log scale - disappearing line on plot...
I'm guessing that xplot and yplot are 2 element vectors where one of the values is 0. In that case, one of the 2 points on the l...

9 years ago | 2

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2nd Y Axis problem - All works until I add the 2nd data set
I think that the problem is that the plot function resets a lot of the axes properties that you set when you created the 2nd axe...

9 years ago | 1

| accepted


FPLOT and Friends
Another new feature that I really like in R2016a is the upgraded fplot function and all of the new members of the fplot...

9 years ago


matlab 2015 returns an empty graph
This code is creating 6,001 line objects which each have a single vertex. A line object with a single vertex is a degenerate cas...

9 years ago | 0

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3D plor plot
The < pol2cart function> will convert this to 3D Cartesian, so it's easy t...

9 years ago | 1

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Showing only part of markers that overflow off the edges of a plot?
No there isn't a simple way to do that type of clipping with markers. In fact, you wouldn't believe how much work we do to get m...

9 years ago | 0

Draw stack order for yyaxis
I'm afraid that feature didn't make it into this initial release of yyaxis. As you've noted, the contents of the right side are ...

9 years ago | 1

Why is my default plot() showing up with gradient colors on the lines?
That looks a lot like < this i...

9 years ago | 0

| accepted

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