
Siddharth Bhutiya

Last seen: 7 days ago Active since 2018

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readtable struggling to interpret spreadsheet as numbers
Others have already given good answers. I'll give another version that tweaks a few more options in readtable to simplify the co...

2 months ago | 0

grouping/binning by time
If you read this in as a timetable, you can simply use retime to count the number of addresses in a given second. Starting off w...

1 year ago | 0

Unique name detection in table headers
If the values in the common variables across all your tables are the same then this can be done with a simple outerjoin operatio...

1 year ago | 0

Find and replace a specific value in a table
You could use standardizeMissing to do this. t = table([1;-9999;3],[-9999;NaN;4],[NaN;4;5]) t = standardizeMissing(t,-9999)

1 year ago | 2

How to add two sets of imported data?
Starting R2023a, tables now directly support arithmetic operations like plus, minus, sum, etc. So this kind of work becomes very...

1 year ago | 2

Operator '-' is not supported for operands of type 'table'
The error message in the original question was about '-' not being supported on table. Starting R2023a, tables now support arith...

1 year ago | 0

Finding the difference in timeseries values
If you are using R2023a, then you can now directly call diff on a timetable. Here is an example, >> tt tt = 5x3 timetab...

1 year ago | 0

How do i change a ISO 861 Date that is beeing immported as categorical to a double or similar?
You could use detectImportOptions + readtable to do this. detectImportOptions would allow you to specifiy what the data type of ...

1 year ago | 0

Too many x labels on bar graph
When plotting the categorical it will plot all the categories that were defined when creating the categorical. If you want the p...

2 years ago | 0

How do you convert all the dates in a table within a column to a character?
First to answer your question on how you could convert the datetime array into char. It is extremely simple, you can call "char"...

2 years ago | 2

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R2022a problem: Line number missing in error message sent to Command Window.
Update: this bug was fixed in R2022a update 3 and in R2022b. ------------ This is a bug, thank you for reporting it! I have ...

2 years ago | 5

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Saving workspace variables into rows of a table
Since you are working with timestamped data it would be better to use timetables instead of tables. With timetable you can simpl...

2 years ago | 0

Use .mat file as input argument in a function.
If you look at the value of K in your screenshot you will notice that it is a struct and one of the fields would be the table yo...

2 years ago | 0

Arranging events based on hours of rainfall
In your timetable you are using NaN/NaT to represent event boundaries which would make using any existing functionality difficul...

2 years ago | 0

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Inputting a table into a function
I would suggest using strings to represent the text in your table rather than char. Also I am not sure how you are working with ...

2 years ago | 0

how to convert the date and time into separate column
Just based on the information in your description, I am assuming your dateandtime is a datetime variable in your table and you w...

3 years ago | 0

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Add up millisecond steps to a certain datetime
You don't need to convert the datetime into a datevec. You can convert your millisecond values into a duration using the millise...

3 years ago | 1

Create a time vector
For dates and time related workflows, you should avoid using legacy functionality like datenum, datestr,etc and use more modern ...

3 years ago | 0

Sum of Least Squares
You would have to use curly braces {} indexing in order to do this. Using () will give you a table and operations like subtracti...

3 years ago | 1

| accepted

using datetime() in retrieving data
Once you have created a datetime array, you could use functions like month, day, year, etc to get the corresponding field values...

3 years ago | 1

| accepted

How to navigate on indexed table with user input
You could use the t.(varName) syntax to do this. Here's a simple example >> t = table(table(table([1;2;3],[4;5;6],'VariableName...

3 years ago | 0

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Analyze Data for last complete Calendar week prior to current date
There might be a couple of ways to do this, but the function that you are looking for is dateshift.

3 years ago | 1

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Filtering out rows based on one column and one input
I came up with a possible solution based on your description. I am working with a 100x3 timetable that looks as follows: T...

3 years ago | 0

For Loop Table Matlab
In your case the values are consecutive so you could extract them and use mean to calculate the mean. If you did not know the nu...

3 years ago | 1

Fill a timetable outside the gaps
You could use groupsummary to do this. In your case your grouping variables would be Time and Var1 and the aggregation method ...

3 years ago | 1

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Updating plot title for a few hundred figure using a loop
You can convert your datetime variable into a string and pass it as an input to the title command x = 1:10; dt = datetime; ...

3 years ago | 0

Assign user defined identifier from one table to another table
You can use outerjoin to do that. Your keys would be the three common variables and since you only want to add the extra identif...

3 years ago | 0

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Dynamic size table with MATLAB coder
The error seems to suggest that you are assigning conflicting values to your table variable 't'. This might be happening because...

4 years ago | 0

Function 'datenum' not supported for code generation. Function 'MATLAB Function'
As the error indicates, datenum is not supported for code generation. However, datetime does support code generation and it is r...

4 years ago | 0

With a data table, how to calculate the average for each day over a period of time
Since you are working with time-stamped data, you should convert the data into a timetable, as timetables provide a lot of usefu...

4 years ago | 2

| accepted

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