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I cannot open m-files by just clicking on them (I need to use the Open File command in Matlab and then it works fine). How to fix this? Thanks
Hi, Could you please right click on an M-file and check the application that is set in the 'Open With' option. Regards ...
9 years ago | 0
How can I implement a wind turbine as a current source ?
Hi Rifat, If you have the SimPowerSystems toolbox, please refer to the documentation link provided below http://www.mathwork...
9 years ago | 0
How to convert two arrays into a table?
Hi, If A and B are the arrays with n elements then you can create a table by the following command: >> T=table(A,B) Reg...
9 years ago | 2
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why does my program terminate
Hi, Insert breakpoints at each xlsread command and see if it is one of the xlsread that is causing the problem. Regards V...
9 years ago | 0
Control Raspberry Pi Motor HAT with Simulink
Hi, From the documentation page provided below:
9 years ago | 0
Trouble with Imoverlay - Attempt to grow array along ambiguous dimension.
Hi, Please try using an image with smaller resolution, this will help us to identify if its a dimension related issue. Sin...
9 years ago | 0
Negative rates in blsprice
Hi, Negative rates are not allowed in BLSPRICE. However, you can modify the function 'blscheck.m' called by BLSPRICE openi...
9 years ago | 0
Invalid MEX-file '/path/xxx.mexa64': dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS
Hi, This may be an issue caused by the way the library being loaded is built improperly. I would recommend contacting the Tec...
9 years ago | 0
Matlab in Ubuntu never gets past start screen.
Hi, Could you please try the solutions mentioned in the link provided below:
9 years ago | 0
Signal dimension in Simulink change when fed back in closed loop
Hi, Sometimes Simulink is unable to determine the size of signals without additional specification. This is especially the ca...
9 years ago | 0
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How to calculate the HPBW (Half Power Beam Width) of a half wavelength, one wavelength, and 3/2 wavelength dipole?
Hi, Please try the submission from the MATLAB FileExchange:
9 years ago | 0
I tried to connect to Bloomberg via Bloomberg data license (using datafeed toolbox in version R2015a) but cannot get a connection.
Hi, In order to connect to the Bloomberg Data License connection from MATLAB, the following JAR files are needed to be added ...
9 years ago | 0
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Naming logged signals in a Referenced Model
Hi, Please find the attached sample models, In the 'mod1.slx' I have a signal named name1 and in 'topMod.slx' I have a signal...
9 years ago | 0
Read .off files
Hi Tiffiny I have found a MATLAb FileExcahnge submission:
9 years ago | 0
In SimMechanics is it possible to change the Actuation input?
Hi Could you please try adding 'Revolute Joint' with Torque as an input in an 'If Action Subsystem' and Similarly another 'Re...
9 years ago | 0
Plot colors not showing up in Matlab R2016a Student Version
Hi, Can you please try to create the plots by specifying the colors explicitly. >>plot(x,y1,'red') >>hold on >>plo...
9 years ago | 0
colorbar title missing in Matlab 2015b
Hi, Please share a sample code that can reproduce this issue so that others from the community can provide their thoughts on ...
9 years ago | 0
error 39 from version 2015b only
Hi David, Please refer to the forum post provided below:
9 years ago | 0
How do I input variables into a Simulink model through MATLAB script (SimDriveline)
Hi, In the blocks that you are using please use variable names and then you can write a script that uses the 'input()' to get...
9 years ago | 2
Problems loading drivers for a motion controller
Hi Mikael, You can refer the answer to the question in this <
9 years ago | 0
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
Hi Bernhard, Try downloading with an updated browser. This might resolve the issue.
9 years ago | 0
Solving a system of equations.
Hi Christopher, The following lines of code will do the trick: >> syms alpha delta >> solver = @(x,y) solve(x ==alpha...
9 years ago | 0
I'm trying to get the data from a zoomed-in MATLAB figure. I was able to get the XData and YData of the full field of view figure, as well as the XLim and YLim of the zoomed-in figure, but no more than that. Can someone advise me please?
Hi Guy Nir, Refer the < Axes properties> and <http://www.mathwor...
9 years ago | 0
Solving simple symbolic trigonometry equations
Hi John, Use the "solve" command as follows: >> solve(a*sin(x) == b*cos(x),x,'IgnoreProperties',true,'ReturnConditions',...
9 years ago | 1
Can I copy figures from Matlab in such a way that their resolution, position, fonts are similar for all the figure when I paste into a word document?
Hi Bee, You can achieve this by ensuring that the figures have the same style. This can be done by adjusting the properties o...
9 years ago | 0
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How do I add Libraries to the Library Browser in R2013a?
Hi Jason, You can refer the following documentation link for this: <
9 years ago | 0
I have Matlab 2015b and I am trying to program the Kinect v1...
Hi Gupta, Refer the following link for troubleshooting section of the Image Acquisition Toolbox of MATLAB: <http://www.mat...
9 years ago | 0
Need a guide to use Technical Analysis Tool in MATLAB
Hi Satya, You need to first read the data from the excel sheet into a variable using <
9 years ago | 0
Have trouble to install Arduino support package?
Hi, If you have a proxy enabled on your network, ensure that the proxy parameters are initialized in the "web" option of MATL...
9 years ago | 0
how can i have the value of voltage in a RLC circuit on simscape?
Hi Alexandra, I have attached a sample model 'sim_rlc.mdl'. It simulates a series RLC circuit and measures the voltage across...
9 years ago | 0
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