Max Heimann
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iscellstr warning "To support string in addition to cellstr, include a call to 'isstring'" unavoidable?
When using the iscellstr function MATLAB always generates a warning "To support string in addition to cellstr, include a call to...
5 months ago | 2 answers | 0
How to escape a portion of a string in regular expressions
Hello, i want to dynamically create a regular expression from an input string. However i only want a small subset of expression...
3 years ago | 1 answer | 0
answerI can't manage to stack plot 2 columns with the right graph size
You can alter the axis range with 'xlim' figure('name','examplefigure') % plot data subplot(2,2,1) plot(1:10,rand(1,10)) % ...
3 years ago | 0
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I can't use the '.' in matlab simulink block.
What do you want to do? Simply writing '.' as the gain value wont work. If you are struggling with actually entering the symbol...
3 years ago | 0
Doesn't addpath support adding multiple folder paths at the same time?
According to the addpath documentation (mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/addpath.html), you can add multiple paths at the same time...
3 years ago | 1
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Is it possible to change dynamically the PATH?
You can use the "mfilename" command to get the path of the currently running script and define a relative path from there. [fna...
3 years ago | 0
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Determine the (pixel) width of a string
Hi, I want to scale some ui elements according to the width of a string. E.g. the string 'abcdef' has 6 letters, but is obvious...
3 years ago | 1 answer | 0
answerPreallocation: speeding up loop with variable dimensions
Are you sure your code is slow due to non-preallocated elements? If you want to improve the performance i would suggest you use ...
3 years ago | 0
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I want to move an object along Y axis up and down. how can I do this? Thanks in advance.
Do you just want to offset the data once or do you want to move it after you already plotted it? For offsetting just once, just...
3 years ago | 0
How to round the number to the integer? ( having other's code)
int16() is a cast into an integer datatype. Those datatypes only support whole numbers and thus the data is rounded via some int...
3 years ago | 0
Multivariable Function from User Input; Pass Function to be Calculated
Its an interesting problem. Generally if you just want to solve some circuit problems with matlab,i would just use a script wher...
3 years ago | 0
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How can I export scripted iteration results to base-workspace programmatically in 2017b ?
The error message says you have a variable called "Iteration 1", which is not allowed. Probably no blank spaces are allowed in ...
3 years ago | 1
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I have a loop containing about 6 operations, there is a logic statement that applies to 5/6 of the functions.
Something like this? function [status, result] = func(op,a1,a2) status = 0; result = 0; [row1,col1] = size(a1) if row1 ...
3 years ago | 0
Finding the determinant without det(a)
According to the error you are trying to access an index which is not part of the variable. Are you sure a1 is a 3x3 matrix? I...
3 years ago | 0
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Accessing code for built-in functions
These functions are not accessible to users as they are MATLABs proprietary code. They are p-coded, which its matlabs way to obs...
3 years ago | 2
How to extract certain indexes from a vector, but keeping the length the same by filling the rest u with NaNs
You can try something like this: angleVector = rand(1,10); indexVector = [3 4 5 6]; nanVector = NaN(1,length(angleVector)); ...
3 years ago | 0
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Sum of different column elements of a matrix
Matlab supports linear indexing of matrices. Which means you can define a vector with all the matrix elements you want to add li...
3 years ago | 0
How can I obtain the controller output via the command line?
You could use "step" to simulate a step response. Or lsim to simulate other inputs.
3 years ago | 0
How to use a variavle calculate by a code to another code?
Im not sure i get your point about long code and reused variables. Its also a bit unclear what kind of code we are talking about...
3 years ago | 0
extrapolate data to cross x axis
In order for this question to be answered you should define what you mean by "nice". Unfortunately your code sample is not runab...
3 years ago | 0
corners of rectangle by center point
Do you want the corners of the 2D projection of a rotated plane? In that case you could simply calculate the 3D position of each...
3 years ago | 0
Using parallel computing for problem-based optimization
If the program runs fine without parallel computing and errors out with parallel computing the error might be a dynamic array si...
3 years ago | 0
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Take images from webcam in every second
How are you keeping track of the 1 second intervals? Maybe the process of taking the image and storing it takes longer than .5 ...
3 years ago | 0
How do i resolve this error
Try turning the multiplication in the middle into an elementwise multiplication aswell. Also, the last multiplication probably...
3 years ago | 0
Can I get a solution in Simulink
The error message seems clear. You must define a discrete solver for your simulation. Go to modelling -> model settings -> solv...
3 years ago | 0
look for data in cell array and avoid certain data during that search
You could try regexp. It accepts cells of strings and returns the indices of the matches for each cell entry. If you want to e...
3 years ago | 0
How to create a countdown timer ?
If you just want a 30 second delay in you code, you can use this: pause(30) If you want some form of visible timer you could u...
3 years ago | 0
I'm looking to generate a bode plot of the following function in matlab: Gc(s)G(s) = K*e^-Ts / s when T = 0.2
You could try: s = tf('s') T = 0.2; K = <some value> GcG = K * e ^ (-T * s) bode(GcG)
3 years ago | 0
How do i plot N amount of rows into a point plot?
Whats the content of your variable "grades"? You can plot multiple lines one after the other with the hold command. (A,B,C,D,E,...
3 years ago | 0
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how can i use my function directly on a array without having x and y?
The function you defined has 3 arguments. x,y and a. function img(x,y,a) imagesc(x,y,a); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); ...
3 years ago | 0