Student Programs

21ª Competição Fórmula SAE BRASIL

The Formula SAE BRASIL competition aims to provide engineering students with the chance to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, through the development of a complete project: a Formula-type vehicle. The work is carried out as a team.

In the competition, static and dynamic tests take place with the cars, with the aim of evaluating the performance of each project on the track. In addition, teams present their technical proposals, including details about the project, costs and a marketing presentation.

Complimentary Software

MathWorks provides complimentary software and self-paced online training for this competition. If your team is participating in this competition and needs software, or access to online training fill out the software request form.

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MATLAB and Simulink

Racing Lounge

Discover basics of MATLAB and Simulink and in-depth information on automotive development in this continuously evolving video series.

Video Tutorials for Your Team

Interactive Online Tutorials

Learn by doing! Our two-hour online courses provide a hands-on learning environment where you will interact with a web-based version of MATLAB and receive instant and contextual feedback.

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Learn to Code with MATLAB

Learn to Code is an online, interactive one-hour tutorial that teaches the basics of programming using MATLAB for ages 12+.

Simscape Essentials for Automotive Student Teams

Get started with the fundamentals of vehicle development for student competitions, such as Formula Student, using Simscape.

Making Vehicles and Robots See

Get started with practical approaches to design perception algorithms using these free training materials.

Code Generation Video Tutorials

Learn how to convert MATLAB functions and Simulink models to C/C++ code.